So, the goblin raiding parties just wiped out my entire village over the course of two nights. I had three footman, and knew that the goblin home was close. I had built up next to a cliff, and they’d spawned their village on the cliff above. Villagers were also spawning in from there, so I had to have access, or everyone dies. The village was so close to mine, that the combat music was constantly triggering (I wish I’d thought to get a screenshot). I usually ignore the goblin’s demand for two reasons: One, that they always demand more, and two, I know I will eventually have to deal with them anyhow.
The fateful night in question, I had not only a pack of three zombies spawn, but it seemed like 6 to 8 goblin raiders as well. Everything seemed to be okay until I realized that my main fighting force had gone off to go hug the gobln chief. In the mean time, half the village was slaughtered trying to defend the zombies. The zombies ran after the goblins as they made off with some of the loot, and that brought the whole pain train od defending hearthlings and my poor three footman (who were refusing to use the nice shields I made them), and the bloodbath continued.
The quickest solution I could come up with was to grab everyone into a group and have them rally somewhwere away from the ladder up the cliff on our side of the world. So I did that, and destroyed the ladder. I later confirmed that the ladder needed to be on that cliff somewhere, as I nearly lost the poor soul who joined us that morning.
In making the new ladder for him to get down, another raiding party spawned, and continued the other party’s progress by destroying the other half of all of our stockpiles before taking out the remaining hearthlings. A trader happened through as well, so I ended up selling things to him. For what it’s worth, intended or not, the raiding party did not attack any of the objects clustered around the starting fire.
I felt semi-warned enough, but not prepared enough, especially as close as they were. I’d even increased the number of footmen I usually play with from one to three, as I knew there would be undead about. The first two attacks we survived, and then that whole mess just spiraled out of control.
I didn’t get far enough to experience the wolves just due to how close the initial camp was to my own. I wish I could give better combat directions to my hearthlings in general. Perhaps just telling them who to focus on would be great. I’d feel less out of control that way, but still hands off enough by not saying “use x skill here,” and letting the hearthlings figure out how they’re going to kill the guy with their skills.