Feedback on Combat

I expect this will be implemented after the RPG like itemization stuff, it seems the tech for that would be the basis for this. And if they don’t implement it then, we will mod it in, don’t worry about that.

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I’d like to see progressively more “self-aware” units as they improve, such as the ability to retreat to set locations/zones in order to take cover or heal (maybe past certain tiers or a specific upgrade). That way, you know where all your healers are during any combat situations and don’t have to rush them to every single wounded unit (although you could move the healers’ zone of focus to send them if you need to).

What do you think, maybe a “base camp” or “field hospital” zone?


Maybe a merging of topics would be useful here.

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Great, just posted it there. Didn’t see it earlier

im a pretty big RW fan, and I find very few similarities (other than the basic survival theme)… well, i suppose they share more than that, but they obviously play entirely differently …

RW is an absolutely fantastic game though, and has some very intricate systems … I think SH will eventually implement similarly complex systems in time… :+1:

seconded! :smile:

There are some things in the RimWorld combat that I really like… in particular I like the idea of a downed villager being dragged away to safety by allies. I think that could be a very useful mechanic to the current game it would also require some tools and a setup to properly “save” the villager from death.

A settler who loses all of its heart could fall down bleeding, others would grab them and pull them into a house and put them in bed. While resting the wounded would take priority over all other actions and if bandages are available (weaver craft) they will stop the bleeding. With any luck and lots of bed rest your injured would survive.


I like the idea and would also love if this mechanic was based on the courage of the settlers. Like a man goes down and he’s really close to a group of goblins then only the bravest will try to save him, or even sacrifice himself to let another person get dragged to safety.

it is a building game, but it is also an rpg, and the devs stated that one possible playstyle is to conquer the world/be a warmongerer, so it isnt only building.

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Personally I will not be actively pursuing combat most of the time , at least not with the current stage of combat. I don’t mean the early state what I mean is there is no advantage to fighting. If a loot system was there it would then become potentially worth it however. Otherwise it is the sorta game I’d like to just slowly build a happy town in and fend off the odd goblin.

Currently [R118] I find that the combat is largely luck based with no major pattern in the swings of swords = loss of health for either the goblin or my footman. Perhaps if stone and then later iron swords reduced this so you got more hits it would provide a decent reason to upgrade them during the evolution of a town to a city.

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Me thinks a little fine tuning is still required @sdee!

Poor @Geoffers747


lol… why does this never happen to me?


Mine were frozen…

but didn’t help because my footman attacked the statues while I was robbed blind…


I know right? 13 games never even seen one…

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Was there combat in your game? Yes
How did you feel about the amount of combat? :stuck_out_tongue:
Too little? N/A
Too much? Yup (1 fight that killed my carpenter.)
Did you actively pursue combat? Kinda
Other thoughts and recommendations? How come I can’t promote a villager to footsman? Or farmer or weaver? I thought it was implemented.

Did you build the required tools to upgrade them? Your carpenter has to make a hoe for a farmer, a sword for a footman, and a spindle for the weaver.

Ok but now a new bug XD I can’t promote a new carpenter, (Old one died)

Scratch that. I FOUND THEM! but my weaver had bugged… so I had no armor, had to make another weaver, he bugged, had no other workers to promote, armed goblins came (plural as in two) and slaughtered all my men. Overall Happiness: 8. :smiley: Praises and Gripes: PRAISES, I HAVE A BE- (died). GRIPES, (silence). Well I think that went well enough.


Well all I managed to do was get my town hall built, a few farms going and just promoted a weaver before 4 armed goblins came in and wiped out my one footman and all the other settlers. I do have to say that the combat needs MAJOR re-balancing.

In my honest opinion combat is game breaking to me. There is no reason I should be completely wiped out by goblins within the first hour of game-play when I have barely even gotten a chance to set my village up . Having goblins being a nuisance and slowing down progress (stealing things, throwing an armed goblin at you to distract your footmen while they steal) yes, completely wipe out your, no.

Constantly saving and loading shouldn’t be a solution either.

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Honestly, I think at this stage in the alpha you have a choice:

  1. Focus on combat: build a footman, give him whatever armour you want, test things.

  2. Focus on the other stuff, never build footmen, and hunt down & delete goblin stockpiles (or just ignore the thieves) instead.

Not ideal of course, but Radiant do need to test their combat engine some time, and the sooner the better.


Haha, you really made that work! I mean your post. But I guess your game as well. Except I’m not sarcastic about the post. Well done!

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