StoneHearth is an amazing game. From what I’ve seen anyways.
Which got me to immediately contact some of the people I, a while ago, created a group with. In the past we diddled, fiddled, and even sometimes fondled those impressively moddable games with some even more beautiful gameplay, to state one of the more obvious ones: Minecraft.
Now though, we’ve decided to create a Fansite of sorts and have even bought and reserved the domain name to park it at. It’s official launch will parallel StoneHearth’s beta.
But now for the reason of this post, we have some questions that we’re wondering if the early community might answer for us.
Some important ones are:
-Would you be interested in joining a fan-based-website?
-What type of environment (Look and feel) do you NOT like?
-What type of Features do you think a community for this Type of game needs?
Now as for that last question we have some features already in mind such as:
The Basics:
-A place to share/upload/rate/comment on Modules
-A Place to share/upload/rate/comment on in Game Creations
-A Specialized SmartForum that we’ve been working on developing
And the more intriguing, and in that case more debatable:
-VideoPark: A place to share video in different sections (such as Trailers, tutorials, etc…)
-BrainDrain: Things like Lua tutorials and such ( We are not professors but we try our best)
And of course the usual contests and community gatherings in some form or another that we all love (or absolutely despise, we don’t judge - apollo hates them but don’t tell him i told you-).
And of course these services would be provided free. Any premium service we decide on would not at any point hinder the website environment or we would discard them.
Any feedback would be great!
From the brightest light and darkest shadows: We Are Coming