FairValley (WIP)

Hello everyone,

I’d like to give you guys some inspiration on how to manage your settlement. Here are some pictures of how I lay down the beginnings of my city FairValley.

This first picture shows how I layout my chests, because I don’t like the stockpiles that much. they take up to much space and they’re not moveable. Like this it looks much better

It’s a really good idea to start with a lot of farms at the beginning, especially corn is key to a thriving city. The corn is useful for animal feed and it looks good on the fields

The fences are there to keep the bad guys away from the Hearthlings that are mining, these are ussually the ones that get slained first.

I will at more when I start with the first buildings.


Very cool. I really like your stairs setup in that last picture, very creative!

Did have a question though, do your hearthlings actually use the chests when they are all piled up like that?? I think it looks great, I just dunno if they actually can path to all of them.


I’m glad you like it. On some of the boxes I put ladders and I checked, they can reach it.

That is an interesting way to do a stockpile.

I for one don’t mind using the stockpile option, and probably would do something like that for looks. Although I can see how it can be used. Especially the way you have placed each of the storage items. Enough room to move around and get up to the tiers above the first storage box. Creative use of small and regular sized storage items. :slight_smile:

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