Extreme Goblin Spawns

I found some similar topics, but I figured this was different enough to warrant its own topic.

So I’m about 1 month in, and for the most part, I’ve had no goblin spawns. The problem occurs when the fog of war gets pushed back, and what appears to be all the goblins that should have spawned flood in at once. My last spawn was around day 8 - there are over 30 goblins in the screenshot, and they weren’t even finished coming when I took it.

Save file below; the issue consistently reproduces when designating the rocks in the screenshot for harvesting, but it doesn’t happen every time though, so it may take a couple of tries.

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Thanks for reporting and for the savefile, I’m sure they will be of help for the devs. I guess the topics you read were these…

Anyway I agree, let’s keep this topic. Even if it’s more of an unwanted behaviour, the reason behind this problem could perfectly be a bug.


I actually never came across that first example (which sounds like it may be the same issue), I only searched the bugs category, which turned up a couple of results like the second example, where goblins were spawning in “hordes” of 8 or so, or spawning well within the explored area, which was something I also encountered way earlier in that game, so the two issues may be related.

At any rate, after reading sdee’s post, I think I may have been right in thinking the AI wasn’t able to path to me, which I tried to alleviate by building ladders down to a lower level like two weeks in, but that had no effect.

Side note: My screenshot in my OP isn’t showing for me, though it showed fine in the preview window before I posted it yesterday. Does the forum restrict img tags for new users maybe?


I have had this issue all 4 times I have played on the normal setting in alpha 6, even though the goblins were at the exact same height as my towns in three scenarios. I even specifically tried to make a town in the flattest map possible and the goblin mob still struck with great force.

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@Atreyu: Yes, new users can’t post images, sorry. I embedded it for you.

@Moe, thanks for the confirmation.

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It looks like this is still happening in version 180. I have a town that hasn’t been attacked by goblins, but the cpu meter slowly shows more and more blue as I play through the first month, the typical ‘warning’ that there is a mass of goblins on the map. I tried scouring the map to find the goblin mob, but no luck. Now the game crashes within a day of game-time with the exact same lua error:

2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | – Script Error (lua) Begin -------------------------------
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | std::exception: 'bad allocation’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | stack traceback:
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.luac:64: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:64>
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function 'get_entities_in_cube’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/terrain.luac:45: in function 'get_entities_in_cube’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.566368 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/terrain/terrain_service.luac:84: in function 'get_entities_in_explored_region’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/score/score_service.luac:68: in function '_calc_score_from_entities’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/score/score_service.luac:40: in function '_get_aggregate_score_for_player’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/score/score_service.luac:28: in function '_calculate_net_worth’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/score/score_service.luac:22: in function '_fn’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/time_tracker.luac:17: in function 'fire’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/time_tracker.luac:26: in function 'set_now’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.luac:66: in function 'fn’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.luac:73: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:72>
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function 'xpcall’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.luac:72: in function 'trigger’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.luac:86: in function '_update’
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/server.luac:31: in function <radiant/server.luac:29>
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.567369 | server | 0 | lua.code | – Lua Error End -------------------------------
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Fatal Exception.
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Total System Memory: 7.984 GB (8572227584 bytes)
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Current Memory Usage: 1.462 GB (1569861632 bytes)
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Total Address Space: 2.000 GB (2147352576 bytes)
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Available Address Space: 211.961 MB (222257152 bytes)
2014-Dec-18 02:04:04.574369 Used Address Space: 1.793 GB (1925095424 bytes)

There is no specific ‘smoking gun’ that connects the two issues, but it doesn’t seem like just coincidence.

It looks the goblin horde has a new super weapon to threaten our citizens, culminating in total destruction of the world! (by crashing the game)

You know, come to think of it, I noticed the same thing with the CPU bar, though it never clicked the two might be connected.