Expansions and Additions


Steph said i should suggest this to u through here.

building options,

Adding to an existing build, by breaking down a wall and adding more floor and walls, or highlight a wall and add a door or window to the already built wall.

Example 1: Lets say i have a 4x4 house built, but want to add some more room to it, so i go the the north wall of the house and tear it down and add 3 more wall to it with a floor, cover with roof or make my own roof. aka expanding the room.

Example 2: Lets say I want to add another room to the same 4x4 house, so i add a door to the existing wall then 3 more walls and foor and roof

Example 3: Lets say i want to add an upper smaller room to the 4x4 house. So i would tear out a section of the roof, add a second floor with stairs then my 4 walls and then the roof.

this would be a great addition to the building options we have


One other thing I suggested to the team was a way to control what gets built in a structure and when–perhaps this could be present in edits to preexisting structures as well. Not only would you be able to add additional rooms to your plan, but if there’s multiple rooms or components to be built, perhaps you could control the builders to only focus on one at a time. It’d save wood from being hogged by scaffolding and eliminate unnecessary strain on the game.

It would probably also help if there was a notification when construction/edit/destruction orders are completed, just so you don’t have giant holes in your buildings for extended periods because you forgot.


Adding page to @not_owen_wilson as per @sdee


Fixed, uhg wrong tell