unfortunately I do not have amazon/paypal money to buy Stonehearth, if someone was kind enough to buy me it, I would give them access to the Elder Scrolls Online Beta! Thank you
that would be epic!!! sadly i can not buy any more i really LOVE LOVE LOVE THE Elder Scrolls
If no one else replies in an hour I’ll give it to you because I don’t want it to go to waste
Its rather bland. I didn’t enjoy it.
Read about how I broke the NDA here and what my experiences were.
I also thought it wasn’t good. Someone on that forum said they wanted multiplayer elder scrolls and I agree that’s what I want and this isnt . its an mmo more.
Do you have a way I can contact you privately? Like a reddit account or email or steam or something?
hi @claymanr, so is this “transaction” concluded?
Not yet. I don’t have a private way to message him. Do you want it?
I’d be happy to do it - I won a ESO key off @TUGenius but it is invalid and probably account locked, so I need to get into it
oh, no… thanks though! i was going to close it up, so others might not be confused as to the availability of the offer…
Have you given it away yet?
No. My email is claymanr@gmail.com email me and I’ll send u the info and u can buy it
Thank you! So much for this! Can’t wait!
Sent it man, got you the $30 pack that gets you into the Alpha, probably crazy to buy into a Beta, but I don’t mind supporting this game at all, everyone should get to play it!
i almost had ESO
but was out DANG IT!!! o well
Can you let us know if this was completed successfully please?
Also @SteveAdamo what’s our stance on things like this in the future? I would obviously just remind people to be wary of things like this.
Yeah deal is all done and dusted - sent the man the $30 package, so he can enjoy the alpha, and he sent me his account details for ESO
Glad to hear it’s all worked well! I’ll lock this one