Erasing Roads Causes No New Road Construction In Same Spot

While trying to make a road, I goofed and tried to use the erase feature under the roads. This however caused the area marked with the erase to not allow new roads. After trying various things I found I could build a new road underneath the old one, but that annoying red box for the erase was still there.

(Also I would have a screenshot but it says that new users cannot upload screenshots.)

hey there @gundam2jim … welcome aboard! :smile:

feel free to upload an image to and provide the link here… i’ll get it embedded for you (until you’re able to do that yourself)… :+1:

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Doesn’t it only take like… 1 post to become a 'non-new user’
Can’t he just edit it now and upload?
Or is it 2… It’s not that many I know that.

Hey! I’m a new happy member of Stonehearth and have come accross the same bug. Sometimes it allows me to build over a spot I erased, but only if it elevates it. Not sure why.

Shown here:

Otherwise I’m unable to place road onto the same spot. This only occurs in random occasions in random spots and somehow doesn’t always happen on every piece of land after erasing road. I’ll upload a photo of how I’m unable to place road once it happens again, but at the current moment the elevated land is over that area of which I can’t build and I seem to be unable to erase the elevated road now.

Happy debugging! :smile: