Dressers off center

Dressers are off center. Just a heads up lol

Is this an olde dresser or newly created dressers? The collision region for dressers has changed recently.


so far the placement in blueprint, of the reg dresser. On the current (latest) version that’s out

Do you mean blueprint as in building editor blueprint? Was this From a building template? If so, what happens if you erase the dresser in the blueprint, place a new ghost dresser, and then build the new one?

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when it must be an own blueprint because in the official templates there are no dressers xD


No my own template, Sorry for miss understanding. So when u go to place a dresser in a template. its off center while blueprinting. I can not confirm when they build it yet as i have not attempted to build it. Yes if u erase it and replace it it still off center as ghost form. here is a pic

Now if this is intended idk lol. But it used to be centered to bed

AHHH you mean its to small ^^ so its need to be 4 voxel width ^^

hmmm im honest i dont think that the dresser should be at the bedends ^^ more a chest etc. ^^

naw it right size, it used to be centered to bed

I’ve noticed this as well. Since the collision region has changed, templates that have dressers that used to be fine, now have the dressers ending up in walls. I preferred it when they were centered.

They changed it so you can put two together side by side without gaps. Before it was centered as it had half a block to the left, a center block and half to the right. Now it fit entirely in 2 blocks.


Yes, what @BrunoSupremo says is correct. We changed it because people wanted to be able to put dressers right against each other. I didn’t realize there were templates that used the dressers as bed end decorations. (there’s no winning! XD) Maybe the correct thing is to have another item that is a 3x1 dresser-like object.


It’s a pity there’s no middle solution :disappointed:
The picket fence for example is centered and can be placed next to each other, but we can’t modify the size of the dresser , it might look disproportionate.

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or to make a bar section ^^ like i now the original question was if there is a furniture which can be combined to make a bar ^^

for example the furniture mod from @Pandemic


Can there be a toggle that lets the user select if they want the placed item to be centered or justified?

@yshan well now i know the change was intended, no biggie to me, idk i didnt see anything on it. It was like a ninja in the shadow. I can alway use something else as bed ends like a chest or the small table. :slight_smile:

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