The blueprint on the left has windows centered correctly but once it’s built the windows shift to one side. So far this happens 100% of the time with no way to correct it. Anyone else have this happen?
i have seen this reported awhile back, and have had it happen to me.
[quote=“MindlessMe, post:1, topic:12796”]
no way to correct it
[/quote]if you use the “eraser” tool from the building editor to remove the wrongly placed windows you are able t place one in the spot you actually wanted it
Didn’t realize it had already been reported…
The eraser works but doesn’t fix the issue causing it to happen. It’s time consuming if I have to correct it every time I go to build something. Not only that but when you build close together it makes it a real pain.
yea, it is annoying and time consuming. but hey, at least it is a work around.
Was it a saved blueprint? Used to happen all the time, kept having to check before going ahead.
The bug that has been reported several times is that the windows or doors get misplaced if you rotate the template before placing it. The rotation of placed things gets stored so you don’t have to press the keys again to rotate each item individually when you’re mass placing items.
Do you remember rotating the template at some point? Or does it happen always even in new games without using the rotate keys at all?
Yea, I have it saved in my blueprints. It looks perfect until I actually place it. Once placed the windows are messed up. I basically have to hit edit every time I place the building.
The crazy thing is that I don’t even have to rotate it to be messed up. The one on the left is the blueprint and the one on the right is the actual building. The blueprint is correct until the actual model is placed to be built. Once it’s placed things start to go wrong. I have it happen in new and old games. The houses I’m using are from 3 saves ago and I still have messed up windows in those. Again, they look normal on the blueprint.