Developer requests

I had one of those things in my head that hurts but sometimes leads to good things…A THOUGHT! That’s what it was.

Would it be helpful to have a thread for the devs to post requests for the players? If a dev is working on a specific system (pathfinding, etc) it might be helpful to post a request asking for specific things. With things like pathfinding, players with the time and interest could create games with difficult pathfinding to test the system. Or seeing how many hearthlings can be supported before the engine gives up (as seen here [Dev 2513] Error: no matching overload found).

It might turn into a huge pain-in-the-butt but might be helpful

I’m confident they’ll ask if they want assistance, without you fishing for an invitation.

lol, nice assumption. Do you assume everybody is a chronic attention seeker or allow for the possibility that some of us have been involved with other software development projects and use the forums to discuss ideas that may or may not be useful?

I’m confident you should assume if I wanted an invitation I would have asked for one directly. This idea wouldn’t involve me in the least but I know other forum users would like the challenge.

Almost… like… this?:

Right now, it is a bit building-centric. This may change in the future.


yup, pretty much. I’m still familiarizing myself with the forums…my bad.

no worries! and take heart, as @coasterspaul has pointed out, the team very much enjoys asking for our feedback/assistance! :+1:


Yeah, they also requested feedback on farming and combat, the threads are pretty old but still serve their purpose :smile:


I’ve been involved with devlopement for mapping programs, DB software and other boring things but this is my first time being active in Game Dev…way more fun and interactive. I was playing KSP and a couple others through the beta stages but didn’t have a lot of time to do much more than post bugs. I bought this game at the close of our busy season for my business so figured I would try my hand at being a bit more involved in the community :slight_smile:


well it definitely is a game/community worth investing time into!