[Dev Blog] Livestream 5/27 - Ask questions here!

How will we manage our adventurers that go into caves or dungeons or towers, etc. Will the game pause outside? Will we have direct control over the units? how is the adventure part going to work?

Will there in the Next update come different types of house styles? (like stone huts or spruce)

Yes I know all of this but I want more explanations because now they almost know what they want to add to the game. =P

Obviously we will have the option to design a structures layout and material its made with but, will we be able to customize the roofs on buildings? such as a peaked roof, slanted, flat etc or will the game just add a roof that matches the layout of the building.

Also What is the build height limit for structures? how many floors could a structure go up to.

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Thank you for all of this European times ^^; unfortunately 01:00 AM it’s too late for :(, maybe i can do some effort to watch it… anyway; here are my questions!!

  1. How deep in gameplay you want to make this game?? a Dwarf Fortress nightmare, or a more conquerable Simcity style?
  2. Can we set the difficult of the game to have harder fights and less resources?
  3. And what about the surroundings; will there be more localizations to settle? right now we only have someking of grasslands… will there be other kind of biomes to live? (dessert, tundra, jungle, mountains, beach…) and more dangerous ones like EVIL biomes?? maybe with raining blood? :wink:

congrats for the game it looks really good so far! :D, i just hope you ddevelop it fast enoughto get to the full release soon! ^^

How easy would it to make new modules for the game? Will there be a module creator or would you need to learn to mod for making them?

Ignore this:
Also why are these live streams always placed when i cannot watch them? I finally got a way to sneak past our timed internet connection and then i am in berlin on a hostel next time you make on :crying_cat_face:

removed the category so this can remain “stuck” at the top of the forum for Tom’s viewing this afternoon

*It doesn’t seem to work :frowning: *

hmm, i believe you are correct… i wonder if that’s a side effect of the thread having once had a category…

oh well, we’ll just have to make sure to draw Tom’s attention to this thread… perhaps a slight title adjustment will help as well…

I’ll link it during the stream just in case. :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone, just to say I won’t be attending the stream tonight unfortunately :frowning:

I have an exam in 11 hours. May Raya save me.


we’ll miss you brother … I’ll light @newf’s collar a candle in your honor…

oh, and just remember, the first answer to virtually every exam is usually “A”… or was it “recombinant dna”? either way, good luck!! :smile:


Good Luck @Geoffers747!!!


I wish it was a multiple choice.

Thanks @Newf!

I’m gonna go to bed and cry now, goodbye!

Break a leg Geoffers. :slight_smile:

I don’t think you would want to say that to someone like @Geoffers747

How optimistic is the team in hitting the September 2014 goal?

May have already been asked, been out of the loop for awhile :’(

Is the water update going to be far away from now or no?

Will we see different races?
Totally not going on my wolf-men models… O_0

Who said that?
Will there be fishing?

Can we here any combat music, if you have it?