In regards to building destruction later on, Will buildings fall apart into it’s individual cubes, as though you were knocking over a wall of wooden building blocks?
And Do you think eventually walls will be randomly generated with different things, such as vines, flower shelves, windows?
What computing experience do you and the radiant team have?Do you have degrees specifically in game design? I am 1st year computer science student thinking about what type computing science degree I will finish with, could I pick-up skills in game design and creation with an un-specialised computing science degree.
Well, the do have Computer Experience, as they said they have worked at VMWare, and they have Gaming Experience, as they run a Gaming Convention, and have built other things rating to Gaming, such as a Website for Fighting Games.
I was unable to watch the live stream and I don’t have access to Twitch from work (where I am right now), so is there a place where all the answers to the bolded questions are written?
Thanks to add the answers =) But for the combat, I think it’s weird to not have a direct control on the units because for example we’re attacked from two sides and I prefer to defend my farm. How could I do?^^ For me when you speak about RTS you can move directly your unit.
For me we need to have the both way to control our combat units.
[quote=“Didis, post:51, topic:6198”]
we’re attacked from two sides and I prefer to defend my farm. How could I do?
[/quote]Set up a defend zone around the farm and task a squad of troops to guard it. Also you can beef up defenses around your farms just in case such as a wall or some spike traps.
From what I understand its considered an RTS because its not turn based. You won’t have control over your units but from what Tom has said that defending will be based on building up defenses and controlling units with patrol paths and defend zones. So it’ll be more based on planning ahead than trying to micro manage a battle.
Yes maybe it’ll be good we just have to test it! At worst I keep the direct control unit for my mod =P
And yes with the combination of defenses, traps and control patrol we could protect our city well.
But I was thinking about the pvp how could we attack a player if we can just set up defense zone=P