[Dev blog] Desktop Tuesday: What to Expect from Stonehearth Alpha 1

BG was a huge disappointment on that end! There are still a lot of issues, such as some promised “extras” for pre-orders (which will never be delivered upon, I’m sure), in the production of the games. It’s kind of hilarious how they bragged about the recent huge update to BG1, which turned out to be pretty substantial, yet it was all delivered in a chunk. Sure you guys worked hard on it, and it was great in the end, but there’s something very dishonest about holding back and then just throwing as much as possible at once just to create an illusion of substantial progress. Candor, and slow updates would make a big difference. Do keep in mind that my knowledge of how to produce games is very limited, so in a lot of ways this rant might come from a place of entitlement and ignorance. In which case, take it as just the mad ramblings of a life-long gamer.

A comparative can be drawn from applying for jobs. Everyone’s probably applied for a job, and only assumed that they didn’t get it, because of simple absence of communication. Did I, or didn’t I get the job? Please just let me know, so I can move on, no matter what! I guess a parallel can be drawn into a multitude of different life experiences then.

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