Also, new logo looks pretty interesting!
Also, new logo looks pretty interesting!
you forgot to tag it development :P,
nice update cant wait till its implemented, tho i would like water first but thats just me
I had just fixed that… while Steve was fixing it. Weird
This is absolutely awesome
Can’t wait for the chieftain to show up demanding tribute. (Which of course will be answered with blood and steel)
oh Olgi… how long will you mock my settlements! no longer shall we live in fear of your magnificence!
“natural order mean you give me stuff and I no dees-tro-you”
Playbale race goblins
WoW nice update, little rpg elements … hmmm can I marry a man or girl from my little people to the goblin chieftain?
Opens a great way for mods to create other camps to rival you, makes the game a looot more harder with like 10 camps on you.
Huzzah! An active world simulation of opposing camps. Can’t stress enough how excited I am to play with this system implemented.
On another note, with this type of system, I can only hope that a Redwall mod pops up some day.
seconded… I cant wait till some of our modding elite get their hands on the new tools!
well, color me intrigued…
Actually, I have a plan to make a rival camp mod m’self. Working on the models now. Barely any work done on both weapons & models but… : Screenshot by Lightshot
I can’t wait! I noticed that Olgi acted like a footman and patrolled the stockpile, maybe other goblins could do that too…?
@tom said in one of the streams that it wouldn’t be coming until alpha 11 or after
Man I can’t wait for water! I’m already gonna get my fisherman outfit at the ready!
That brings a whole new definition to the word “dedicated”. Actually changing clothes to fit the jobs of your Hearthlings.
Heh, also I was thinking of Northenmen Alliance outfit & perhaps a mod for that.
The LoGo looks very cool. But I sort liked the old one . . . maybe I will come to like this one dunno.
I thought that would pique your interest. We’re already getting the basics for Long Patrol hares soon, it’s not too large of a leap to hope this can be expanded upon.
Hopefully everything like this will be toggleable. I sort of liked the old enemy system.
@Deonyi I’m hoping we get some sort of mix. After all, some monsters can’t come from camps. When was the last time you ever saw a weresheep camp or a Cthulu camp?
I love the new camps, but I’m slightly upset by this Desktop Tuesday. How come goblins can build more complicated stuff than I can?