What time is that GMT because it might conflict with the Novus Aeterno stream I am watching
that should help!
Oh sweet, grats Radiant on making it! I notice Gnomoria is in there too…I hope they’re reasonably well spaced out for the sake of either game
Thanks! I tried to do it with time converter, fumbled up, and panicked because it said the event already passed!
1:30 CET? No problem for me
8:30 AM GMT would one of you be so kind as to mark down when they start playing SH and I’ll watch the archive?
i should be in attendance, and can handle that for ya my friend…
Actually, Steve, could you inform the Guys (and Gals) at the Top that Stonehearth will be streaming at 4:30 EST, not Pacific Time, as the title would imply? That threw me off for a minute there, but luckily I checked the schedule.
hmm, im just going by the blog post… i think the stream is actually already underway (started about 3 hours ago), and runs for 24 hours straight… it looks like SH is set for tomorrow at 4:30PM PST:
The stream starts this evening, and Stonehearth will make an appearance Saturday at 4:30 PM US Pacific time.
Read the picture, it’s labelled as starting at 7PM EST, that would make it 3 hours earlier. The relevant event timer Event Time Announcer - Stonehearth on Indie Showcase!
sorry, i think you misunderstand… thats when the main stream starts… 7PM EST tonight…
it runs for 24 hours, with the portion including SH to start at 4:30PM EST tomorrow…
AM or PM, because I live here in California and we use the US Pacific timezone.
Keep in mind, however, that you would see Stonehearth on their stream at 1:30 PM, your time, if you are in the PST time zone.
Yes that’s exactly what I meant, I meant that the starting at 7PM EST meant that it would be in sync with PST.
i still dont know if we’re saying the same thing…
forget 7PM EST time though… that time has passed… the event has already started, and will continue through tomorrow… Stonehearth will be airing at 4:30 PM PST tomorrow, which is link to the time & date link in my second post in this thread…
You must be wrong in this case. Their schedule is here, it lists it as 4:30 PM EST which is the time & date link I linked to. I have no idea why they said PST in the blog but I’m going typo.
oh good gravy…
apologies @Xavion! i was (obviously) using the time from Radiant’s blog post… but you are absolutley correct, in that the timeline on GreenLitGaming’s site shows otherwise! i think we can safely place blame on @Albert for this one… he was never good with the maths…
i’ll update the thread, as well as the time/date links…
4:30 PM EST (New York)
3:30 PM CST (Texas)
1:30 PM PST (California)
@SteveAdamo I think we need to re-evaluate your timezone duties.