Dev 2521 Over-production of wool

This isn’t really a bug so I wasn’t entirely sure where to post it…please feel free to re-categorize as needed lol

I’ve been noticing my sheep produce incredible amounts of wool once the shepard has progressed some in levels and the sheep become “loved” (heart symbol over the character pane in the lower left, not the nsfw version)

This screen shot is with a herd of four sheep, all loved, and a lvl 4 shepard.

They are producing so much wool that my shepard can’t pick it all up and every few days I have to highlight the entire pasture with the loot tool. With just what the shepard can carry back to the stockpile, my weaver can’t turn it into thread fast enough to stay ahead of the wool buildup.

While it’s a HUGE money maker (average 70-80 wool @ 9G every few game days, on top of the weaver constantly processing wool into thread), it’s hard to keep up with the collection and processing

Note: I keep my herd limited to 4 sheep and I try to kill off any that get “loved” in order to keep production down a bit but it still builds up very quickly


Example: in the time it took to type and edit that post, the above pictured wool was collected and this batch was produced. Total real-world time was a few minutes for four sheep

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I wonder if this means they fixed whatever was causing problems with shepherds gaining XP or if you just got lucky enough to have it not affect you. I’ve never gotten a Shepherd past level 1 myself because of it, so I’ve never seen so much wool being produced so fast.


I get them to various levels but I have noticed lots of them were getting stuck…I haven’t been watching since 2521 released. This one is the farthest I’ve managed to level a shepard lol…but I’m also at day 4 of Rainmun (not sure if that’s the second or third month…or how many days in a month lol…I should look that up soon.) so he has had a long time to level