Dark Subject - What happens to dead people?

Yes but when a settlers HP reaches 0, is he gone for good, is he KO’d ? what happens when you have none left ?

I think that settlers should definitely be mortal. I also think you should be able to have your other minions gather their fallen comrades items (weapons, armor, misc items). Another cool idea would be if your city gets wiped out (total loss of settlers) you can start over but the old city is a ruin (left in the same shape it was when it got destroyed) you could even have some random items stay left over to be gathered by the new group. Just an idea.

This once mentioned in a live-stream a while back - if I remember correctly the devs said villagers would die and need burring else it will lower the rest of your civs’ morale and they may work slower etc.

Hmm…battlefield cannibilization of fallen soldiers’ items? Never thought of that before, we might need a Scavenger Class… interesting.

Anyway, back on topic. Should KO be the total loss of your settlers, your buildings, or both? Because if it is the former, the middle, or the latter, then gameplay would be changed considerably. Also, a catipulation option would be nice.

There’s already a death action just not implemented so I’ll see if i can pull that up for ya
Edit: meaning that the animation is already in alpha source files

I’m not if we’ve heard much since this:

Dark Subject - What happens to dead people?

I don’t see why people want such high populations. you would need 30-40 12x12 houses, 10-20 10x20 house workshops, a 3-5 wide road, and enough farm land and irrigation to feed all these people. Not counting a wall that’s about 16,290 square voxels!

How will you handle the penalty for death? Will it delete the save file or will you be able to save-scum?

“Death” is a bit an odd term in a game where you can’t really provoke or prevent death actively and multiple characters are available.

In good old DF fashion, it could be interesting to have the world persist even after your whole village has been wiped out - so that whoever finds your old place has a (eroded) place to start on. Kind of like player created ruins.


At the moment this is a bit of an unknown - you will have the death of your settlers to deal with, perhaps the loss of a unit will be punishment in itself.

As for the ultimate end of a game, again no idea right now :slight_smile:

I’ll merge this over in the death thread for now!

That would be an interesting way to go about it.

eh, it would probbabbly take a very long item for them to age if it is implemented… i think it would fit, as your village grows your residents grow old. (of course you get new residents). Of course I , as a programmer understand that it would be more of a hindrance to development if it were added at this point. (until they have time to add it).

The devs have stated clearly that you are to think of people as a important resource, therefore each individual matters geatly, this is also why they have personalities.

Now, for some serious discussion, you ever played Majesty the fantasy kingdom sim?
Well when many of your heroes die, a very large number) a graveyard pops up next to your village, occassionally it spawns undead and it is possible to ressurect people for a high amount of gold.

If we were to bury people, i think it would be fitting for this game if undead occasionally spawned around a graveyard (an area with many graves on it) Given the D&D inspiredness of this game I believe it would fit, also given how magic is in this game (it is a huge part of the world but very few people can tap into it.

It would make sense that occasionally a dead person will rise as a zombie/skeleton autonomosly. It woudl also serve to make the game feel more alive (as it does for Majesty) and would allow for your combat soldiers to level up there skills over time by fighting undead when you do not have them out doing epic quests on your behalf…

and maybe ( with probably a 0.000001% chance) when they come back the guy will be alive instead of undead!

This thread is interesting…

Can’t say I like the idea of aging, don’t think it would work for this game.

I’m not sure, I like a variety of ideas…just sinking into the ground, or headstones (useful if there are necromancers or something similar). Kind of like the burning boat or pyre for elevated hero status or maybe statues (fancy headstones) for high level fighters.

I have a idea.

  • lets say we have a village

  • to keep our population up there will be around as many children as adults. (this number will vary a bit because of changes in the adult population

  • when 1 of the adults grow old 1 one of the children will become a teen and become his apprentice this way you keep his knowledge longer but he still works around as fast(not necessarily on of his children)

  • when the old one dies his apprentice will take over with a bit more level than the old one started with (this way you will lose a bit less when he dies) the apprentice now becomes an adult

  • if you have enough food there will be born a few more children that will become adult after a set amount of time

  • if a villager dies in a fight or by getting killed by an assassin or by any other unnatural means there will go some time before the child becomes adult

please say what you think of my idea


it’s an interesting approach, to be sure… I just don’t personally see the necessity of it, or how it adds to the “fun factor” of the game…

I do like the notion of an apprentice… I just don’t see need for aging to pull this off…

Aging isnt really important for the apprentice part but a really great expansion to the create you own story part of the game. when people die they need to go somewhere graveyards and monuments will be made in memory of the dead. you will begin to remember people for being the: the smith, carpenter or general. they will be one among the many before them but still be there own still making new stuff and creating there own history. and suddenly at some point you can look at a villager in his lineage is: the first magma smith, the hero who killed Cthulhu and maybe that one particular villager who never did anything but you just liked.
The children creates a lot of life in the city because they isn’t needed anywhere they will walk around playing, talking and generally doing nothing this way they are giving the city more life. and it would feel strange to have the same children running around never growing up.


well, I won’t deny, you make a compelling argument… :smile:

Here is what I think should happen.

First, when they die, they stay dead, but rarely, one or more of the dead rises from the grave and terrorizes the helpless settlers as zombies!

@thorbjorn42gbf makes me start to dislike Radiant for their decision on the matter…