Lol, love the DF reference there. [BABYSNATCHER] lol.
Apart from what seems to be the streamlined thought going on here, I feel that aging would be a good addition to the game. Modding it into the game later would probably prove to fall short of what it could be if it were part of the game from the beginning. But it could be doable, depending on how scriptmodding-friendly Stonehearth chooses to be in the final product. (I don’t have the alpha so I have no idea how the format is presented in the directory as of now, sorry)
Limit the amount of offspring a “family” can have to three people, a female and a male and another one of random gender. Simple enough. The offsprings will inherit their parents’ jobs according to gender. This is a simple way, easier way to manage offspring without all the micromanaging hassle.
In the case that a spouse dies without producing the limit of two offsprings, well, tough luck. The offspring I’m suggesting here is merely to replace the parents upon their death. To ensure the continuation without having to rely on immigrants that magically appear. The third possible offspring is to ensure a population growth.
Yes, seeing a favorite character age and die can be heartbreaking but I feel that without both aging and family, the ‘story’ might become a bit stagnant. You know, super hero character from the founders slays his 10000th goblin after 100 years of service…seems a bit strange you know. Personally, I feel that having a legend would be more intriguing and having a son/daughter take after their parents’ legends would be pretty awesome to see.
If aging and families could be an option to gameplay, that would be great as it would satisfy both parties but if not, I cast my vote for aging, only if family-making is involved in the game.