Often times when I am running the game, and I try to load a save, or try to quit to main menu, the game crashes.
Steps to reproduce:
- Be playing the game.
- Press keyboard escape button to bring up main menu.
- Select “Save or Load Game”, and attempt to load a previous save. Or, select “Quit to Main Menu”.
- Experience crash to desktop.
Expected Results:
Should be able to load a previous save/quit to main menu without crashing.
Actual Results:
Game crashes to desktop.
I saw some older bugs reporting a nearly identical crash, but the line number was off (by 1), and they were for older alphas:
Version Number and Mods in use:
Alpha 18 Test Version
Stonehearth 0.18.0 (develop 3092) x64 build
System Information:
Windows 10 Pro, AMD FX-8380 4.01GHz 64 bit, 16GB of RAM.