Confused Goblins

So, I built my entire town underground. There’s two entrances: The main entrance (covered by a wall, flush against the cliff-face, with a double door over the cave/hole) and the small back door that leads to the farmland (same set up). The entire farmland area is surrounded by fences, and the main entrance has a door over it, so unwanted monsters can’t get in.

Unless you can open Doors or bypass Fences, there is literally no way to get access to any of my Hearthlings, supplies, or even furniture. So that’s nice.

Except, of course, now I am no longer attacked. I’ll get a “Goblin Thieves!” (or similar) message every now and then. I go look, and a Goblin is walking towards my town. He stops about 30 or 40 squares short, pauses for a moment, then turns around and completely vanishes.

I’m assuming at some point Monsters will have the ability to break down doors/fences/walls to try to get to you?

Yes, seeing as the carpenter can make a reinforced wooden door. Everything in the game, at one point, will be pretty much destructible, or so I’ve heard. Speaking of goblins just disappearing on a moment’s notice, when will we be able to see the goblins march towards and away from town, instead of just suddenly being there?


I’d like to see more complex behavior than the traditional MineCraft-style “monsters just smash things” method.

Maybe Goblins can climb? So they scale your walls and fences. Maybe certain goblins (like the Thief) can pick locks? It takes a few moments, so they’re crouched in front of your door picking the lock.

Maybe Orcs can’t climb, but they have battering rams for doors and/or explosives for walls (with limited use). So an Orc raiding party might be 4 Footmen, 2 Archers, and 1 Sapper. The Sapper has a single-use charge that can blow open walls, and also carries a battering ram for knocking down doors.

Undead monster just bash their faces against your defenses, but they’re more durable and persistant.

Basically, it would require you to build your defenses in more complex ways to meet every possible threat.


I agree with all of that, but just know, as far as I can tell, purely based on the orcs Tom modeled the other day, the male orc definitely ain’t climbing anything, but the she-orc seems more like a “swift and deadly” type character.

Definitely one of the hardest factions to defend against will be the Pirates,Ninja, and Politicians. The ninja can just sneakily sneak through you defenses, using their surroundings/ disguises to their advantage, while Pirates can easily blockade your naval forces and blow holes in your wall using cannons and such. And politicians… they have blackmail and lawyers.

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I specifically said Orcs can’t climb. :wink:

Also, Ninjas, Pirates, and Politicians is one big faction? I assumed that was three different groups.

Also, “naval forces”? I’ve never seen a body of water larger than a small lake.

Well, seeing as there will be pirates, I have a right to assume that there will be pirate-worthy bodies of water eventually. Also, did you see that twitch stream?

No. I just discovered the game a few days ago, and my twin toddlers don’t give me a lot of time to watch Twitch streams. :wink:

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Well, too bad! Because, it’s not there anymore thanks to twitch automatically deleting stuff!

Is there a summary I can read? Preferably with screenshots?

Hmm… I’m having trouble finding anything of the sort… I can’t even find a screen shot… But I’ll keep looking!