Community Translations: Volunteers (Overview)

I was only curious…

bursts off crying

ontday eyecray ikelay a ittlelay abybay… abybay :cry:

10 points to the first translation

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Don’t cry like a little baby?

And @Smokestacks, I don’t think that I look like a vegetable…


Just reading a book from Jonas Jonasson about a hundred years old guy who escapes from his birthday party… I feel so much more attached now to Sweden (most funniest book I have ever red) :smile:.


Oh, “Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann” Longest booktitle EVER XD

A book I read back in high school. I’m sure there’s longer but this is definitely up there.
“How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare, robbed a grave, made a new friend who might not have really been there at all, and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he didn’t know it”

Wow O.o I take back what i said about the longest book title ever…

Add me to the german translation team :smile:
language and grammar is very good :wink:
this game deserves a perfect translation for our german players!!!


well done!

and with that, this derailment shall come to an abrupt halt! i’ll berate myself, and let the rest of you off with a evil glare… :godmode: glare

oh, and welcome aboard @Buffbar! :smile:

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I can translate to Norwegian. If needed. We small people always feel like we belong when we see a game that actually has a norwegian translation. And not only swedish. Arrrggh swedes.

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I have never helped out with translation before, but for once I think it could be fun to do that. Don’t know how big workload it could be, but at least some of my time can be put aside for it. It is at least how I feel now, one year prior to full game release, but probably this work could start much earlier.

Add me to the Swedish list and I will try to help out :smiley:

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@Divonex Thanks! Just added you to the overview. Once the game is out you can start a competition against HeartfangWolf, who offered support with the Swedish translation :wink:.

Update: Bad luck… 2:1 for Sweden now :wink:. Welcome @tkh and thanks for the offer.

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Pfft. I’ll call my crew!

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Im willing to support the german team even if it is that large already… :slight_smile:

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@Vilmar thanks, I’ve just added you. For the moment I see this as an overview of people who are potentially interested. Having such a list will allow people (who are interested in translating Stonehearth) to find others and join forces. It is still some time to go, like 2-3 months. Maybe one or the other will have lost his motivation, will be busy with other things, etc.

For the moment I guess it is the more the merrier :wink:.

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I could offer my services for an Irish translation, it wouldn’t be used by many but could be useful to a few I guess.

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@monstamasha If you enjoy doing translations… for sure would be cool to have some additionals on the list. Just added you. :wink:

welcome aboard @monstamasha! :smile:

very nice of you to offer your services… and congratulations on being awarded a flag from @voxel_pirate:wink:

Hello, I could help with translating to Polish if there will be this option : )

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