The class and leveling system works well for this game, but something more should be added. I find that when one of my hearthlings level up I just click the X button and move on to other things. Yes, those little abilities will be implamented later, but there still is tons you can do. This idea sort of builds off the apprenticing workers topic. So, how it works is each unit/class has its own tech, skill, class or whatever tree that you would open while looking at a hearthlings stats. In the tree you would see all the possible abilities and different variations or upgrades. On one side there would be a scale showing the different levels needed, so as to avoid confusion. For example, the footman, in his tech tree at level one he’d get a new ability, at level two he would get two. Then you would choose one of the two causing you to only access abilities on the side of the tree you chose. And this would repeat until perhaps level five where you could upgrade into a soldier or gaurd for instance. The gaurd would give more defensive bonuses and the soldier more offensive. Then with the power of imagination you could come up with some more subclasses for each class. These upgrade could not only give buffs but also unlock items. For one idea you could limit the type of weapon a simple footman could have but then if he gets a certain upgrade he unlocks a previously locked weapon and can use it. Feel free to elaborate on this, bye.
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This is a quite good idea, but could you please split it into more readable bits?
Also i think that this would actually fit just fine into this thread:
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Sorry for making it hard to read, I’ll try to summarize it in the link
Also check out my super long post. Feel free to skim it because it’s quite long.
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