For starters I have read a few suggestions on this forum, and have used some of those ideas in this topic, Thank you for reading this.
While playing the game I have felt that this game is really well made, I love the current play and feel of it. I know that more is planned for the game, geomancers and what not, but here are a few suggestions that I feel have been left out.
The fact that there really is no magic in the game currently is a little sad to me.
I think there should be a scribe job class, and a Wizard combat class.
Edit: Scribe Class
The scribe class would allow for the creation of books.
These books would have varying effects.
Some Examples of books would be.
Books that will increase the happiness of hearthlings.
Books that give other crafters new recipies, these would include but are not limited to the following.
Lunch box - this would be crafted by the blacksmith, it is a place able item that would allow hearthlings to sit and eat rather than walking all the way back to the base to eat food.
Backpacks - For the weaver, these would allow for hearthlings to carry additional items, however it would be limited to certain items, such as (ore, resources, wood, stone, other gather-able materials).
Weapons, and armor racks - these could be crafted by the carpenter or the blacksmith, allowing for weapons and armor to be stored, they would also be used for looks to make a more garrison look.
Weapon and armor stands - these can be crafted by the carpenter, you would choose what weapons and armor could be stored on them, as a display type item.
Wagons - For the Carpenter, These could be hand drawn, or horse/oxen pulled, this cart would allow for the placement of a storage item (stone chest, large wooden create, vault) if no item is placed their it would default to a specific storage amount.
This would also allow the mason to make stones from rocks, and then the carpenter to make staves with the stones setting them, making powerful wizard items which would allow the wizard to cast more spells before needing rest.
The mason and carpenter could also make bookshelves as well so books could be stored.
There are more ideas, but i don’t wish to make this thread too terribly long.
There will also be other books which can be crafted.
The Cleric book - will be moved here.
The scribe would also craft mage books of various types (these would allow for the upgrading from scribe class to mage class. (there are four mage books in total, each giving different types of skills.)
Combat effective books (these books would give the warrior new skills (charge, Shouts, whirlwind, and other various skills depending on the book crafted)
there would be books for the archer, and cleric classes to allow for different skills to be used as well.
The last type of book that the scribe class would be able to craft would be.
Language books: These books would allow for you to Talk with, and reason with the other races, goblins, orcs, Kobalds, and all other semi-intelligent species in the world of stonehearth. learning how to talk with them would allow you to recruit them, and either make them slaves, or make them part of your city, both of which offer there own benefits, for instance kobald archers make stronger archers, where as orcs have a higher hp pool, and make great tank soldiers.
This would also open up new trade routs, as you could now trade with goblins instead of just giving them items or killing them.
Wizard Class
My next class idea, the wizard (Combat Class).
Who would need a basic spellbook to become a wizard.
This would gain him a basic spell for fighting.
He would gain skills from holding better spellbooks
From Leveling up he would gain the Multi color mage feat, allowing him to hold more than one spellbook (Ex. Fire spellbook, and ice spellbook at the same time.)
His drawback would be that he must sleep after casting so many spells, so he would take a while to level up, for instance he would get (X) spells per day (like the DND system) and when he is finished he would have to go back to rest, otherwise he would just hit people with his staff, not having any ability (energy/mana basically) left to cast spells
New items.
The archer also needs a nerf to early game dmg, where as he deals a massive amount of dmg from afar right now, i think this should be kept, however i believe he needs more Quivers. He should need to get arrows like fire, serrated, poison, etc.
Take away alot of the dmg given by the bow, and then this would allow for him to deal less damage at the start of the game, and give him about the same output at max level without loosing anything. this would nerf the early rush for archers.
The list is pretty endless, altho it would be more for late game.
Recurve bows, longbows, and short bows, crossbows, along with bolts and maybe difference between bolts and arrows?
For instance bolts pierce armor, where arrows can fly farther? Arrows deal more dmg to unarmored, or lightly armored? Just a small thought, this could be crafted by a high level carpenter with recipes given from the scribe class.
Edit: I would also like to see expansion on the “fine” crafting, would be cool to see a “masterwork” crafted Greatswords or something like that, maybe make the originals a little lower in strength but allow for these items to have a high quality crafted version that is just a chance, because after i craft 3-4 Greatswords i don’t really need my Blacksmith anymore and it feels a little sad, where as if i could make masterwork items, or legendary items i feel like i wouldn’t mind making 100 or 1000 Greatswords, giving me a new reason to keep looking for ore, to keep building and expanding. this would also keep this profession from becoming stagnate.
(Still working on more ideas,once again, leave me a comment if you think i could add something to make any of my ideas more reasonable, or better in any way.
Thank you for your time (i edited it to be a little easier to read) added more information