Call for Suggestions: Mason Recipes!

Sure, have thanks. :smile:

Paving stones for faster movement of different qualities.

If water is going to be a useable resource in the future: aqueducts for irrigation/fixing thirst/moving water to make fishing ponds.

Basically everything you can make with carpenter but with stone.

Whetstone wheel combined with carpenter frame to enhance weapons.

Wheels for carts etc.


make something like him:
[Holger Danske][1]

I haven’t seen these suggested from what I can tell so I think that having the mason be able to make like Griffon statues or dragons, other cool animals etc would be pretty awesome.

Stone catapults? stone firing automated turrets :smiley: , some form of stone flinging siege thing
Golem pet


Stone Sword The Footman Who Equips this Is Stronger Than The Footman With The Wooden Sword (instead of 20% maybe 40%)


Also Where Do I Suggest The Mystery Slot (TBD) Suggestion?

Like how the armor is upgraded?

as in the upgraded settler or the concept art? @naturalnuke

Former. (Padded Vest, etc.)

oh yes that’s how it would work since the footman currently has +20% dmg


I’m in a game right now 17days and counting, and I have a footman with +60% dmg.

that would be from them leveling up.

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Yep… level 4? 4.

Maybe some slate flagstones? Gravestone for departed souls?

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Something I see missing would be Aquifers, some of the best irrigation systems were laid in stone. It could be used to both bolster Herding/Animal Husbandry but all forms of crop and agriculture.

Some other implementations with this would be tree farms and other resource farming like hanging gardens and stone worked interior gardening systems.

I also would love to see some implementation of a sewer system; both for the mob generation and the really cool catacombs that can come out of the mining system.


I did not read all the comments and ideas so sorry iv im repeating some ideas =)

Tombstone it is what it is, giving your Fallen People a Place to rest and maybe give us the possibility to wirte something like: Beloved father and Husband which walked into a band of Goblins /fell into a pit/ did forgett he never learned how to swim.

Floorhatch for seeling up entrances or building falling traps in a tunnel so enemys who walk into them fall in a pit.

Maybe Well maybe 1 part of it the stone brick construction and the Carpenter gives the bucket and the wooden construct while the Weaver gives a rope so a builder can construct it. (maybe to difficult)

a stone support so iv you dig a cave /tunnel the ceiling dont fall on your head.atleast iv thats a thing ( i could live without it xD) wooden support is also needed but i guess thats something for the later.

a mortar and pestle maybe alchemists or doctors or sombody else will have a use for this tool in the future.

Weapon Rack to place spare weapons in or just for decorative service a at the wall version and standalone in a Barrack therefore a armorstand would be nice too.




I really like both of these ideas!

Also, has nobody suggested stone beds yet?


I dont know but i guess that would be a dwarfen thing xD


I’d like to see a few items that could be stone or wooden

  • spiral staircase
  • cave entrance door (cough hobbit door cough)

Just for Mason

  • mythical statues
  • sun dial
  • stone vase for flowers
  • stone footman statues (options for sword n shield or spears)