Building editor on main menu?


First of all apologies for my english, need to improve.

I’ve a question regarding the building design editor in-game. it’s planned to bring this editor outside the game, like on the main menu? let’s say that i don’t want to open a new peacefull game to design a new house or workshop.

I think it could be nice since you don’t have to pause your game while designing your new building and the engine is more free because don’t have to render trees, citizens, etc…

And maybe add a function to spawn the desired numbers of workers let’s say 3 for example and see if there is some problem during the contruction or the time it takes to build your new design.

Anyways i’m very excited about A11 this idea come to my mind when Tom launched the storehouse template quest.


I’m curious about this too. The current method of creating blueprint is very cumbersome as you need the items crafted before you are able to add them.

The blueprint editor should work like other editors in games, where ALL the placeable items are listed in the “object” window. Then you click on a object your cursor should change to adding that item until you right click to cancel out of it - which would be handy for placing fences.

If this is not planned to be added, I think at least adding a “All Items” tab in the current building editor would be good - so at least people can create a peaceful work to try out buildings.

“And maybe add a function to spawn the desired numbers of workers let’s say 3 for example and see if there is some problem during the construction or the time it takes to build your new design.” - This is a great idea too, I have downloaded templates online which actually didn’t construct well by chance and people got stuck.

i’m missing this option too. Sometimes you just only want to create Blueprints and don’t care about Hearthlings and his needs.

Hopefully the Team think about to implement this Feature in the game

It would be nice to be able to just hop into a small, flat area and just design the buildings as though everything were unlocked. Having hearthlings pop in to actually construct the building would be neat but typically the only times I’ve had trouble with them building the design is when the design itself fails to plan properly because of slab placement. *I found it’s easier to use extra floors instead of slabs so they build it in a more organized manner, which usually resolves the problem, but may still take extensive time because they have to move scaffolding around so much.

Honestly, just being able to design buildings in-game with everything being placeable from the start would be a huge step up in my opinion.