After doing some careful observations I think I can understand why some new players might have a bit of trouble with the UI. Its simply not very consistently organized.
Here is what I mean:
there is even more stuff I forgot to add in the image…
like the fact that storage and furniture swap places from the carpenter crafting menu to the mason and blacksmith
as well as the bird fountain being labeled as a decoration in the mason ui and then relabled as a piece of furniture in the building ui
edit:updated image
Yeah, that organization never made much sense to me either. Nor the separation between furniture and decorations - I’ve had to search in both menus more times than I care to admit.
Thanks for pointing this out! Those lists are indeed messy. @Sweet and @Rabid_Llama might be able to clean this up during the upcoming building UI and crafting reworks.
I think I have been here so long, I just got used to the way it was.
took a step back and just looked at it for a bit and now its hard not to notice it
Since we are on that here is the current ordinal list associated to the jobs. Obviously changing this now will assist going forward but it would also require a bunch of rework for modders.