This has possibly been posted before or something similar to it, but I’m putting it here anyways just in case.
When designing a building, you can only put official walls around the parameter, so you can’t make closed off rooms. When you use a free-standing wall to manually create a room, it really messes with the roof option, so you get no roof or an awkward half-broken roof for your building.
I tried using slabs to manually create a roof, which took me FOREVER meticulously placing individual blocks. There’s a feature that highlights things you’re mousing over, which is great, except when you’re building with slabs or tweaking a floor design, because it makes the whole thing solid white and you can’t see a darn thing that you’re doing. More than half of the time I spent was just trying to figure out where the block was going and CTRL+Zing mistakes.
After spending at least 3 hours designing this roof brick by boring brick (and not even finished with it) I discovered something else: the building vision cutaway choices do not recognize slabs as roofs or walls. So they’re not transparent. So even if I finish this roof, it’s going to be in my way forever and I’ll end up really irked at not being able to see inside.
The whole reason I had to get into this ordeal in the first place is because you can’t delete roofs with the eraser tool after they’re placed, so when I tried to add a room on top of a preset house, I couldn’t get rid of the roof in order to do so and had to recreate the house from scratch. I’ve since become frustrated and deleted the house, which has taken me the last 5ish hours to recreate.
So basically: Please for the love of god, allow roofs and free standing walls to be erased with the eraser tool after placed. It’s a real hindrance on building.