Good morning.
Let me start off by saying that I absolutely love the game. It’s a delight to play.
My friend and I are about 20 hours into a 2 person game. Recently we have been getting an engine error (see the end of the post).
Problem Description
This began just the other day when I used the build tool to “add” a new piece of my Gatehouse. I built the new part of the gatehouse next to the old part of the gate to make a better gate.
When I hit Build, it gave the Engine Error, and I could not get the build to go. I could not even build a simple wall even after a reload.
My friend can still build whatever they want.
This morning I figured the building was just too close to the new stuff and decided to rebuild from scratch. I went into a different Single Player game and rebuild the entire structure from the ground up. When my friend came online, and I loaded up our MP game. We got the engine error and I could not build anything. So I deleted my problem build and the remainder of the old gate. I saved, and we exited and reloaded. Then I tried to build a simple wall in a different area as a test. The moment I clicked the build button, we received the engine error and I could not build anything.
I saved the game, exited it entirely, and we reloaded.
Upon unpausing the game, by Hearthlings went and build the test wall I had forgotten to delete. I attempted a second wall, hoping the issue was resolved, but as soon as I hit “Build” the engine error comes up and I can no longer build.
Just to reiterate, through all of this my friend can build anything they put down.
I’ve included both a save from just when the problem represented, as well as the save from when we reloaded and my Hearthlings built that one test wall, but could not build anything after that.
We can reload the game from an earlier save, and it sucks to lose all this time, however I wanted to see if you had another fix.
Thanks, Jerry
Save Files
The save file after I added the new part of my gate, and it would not build: Dropbox -
The save file after I deleted that build and tried building a wall: Dropbox -
Engine Error
release-893 (x64)
co-routine failed: No matching overload found, candidates:
bool are_strictly_connected(lua_State*,Point3 const&,Region3 const&,int)
bool are_strictly_connected(lua_State*,Point3 const&,Point3 const&,int)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘are_strictly_connected’
…ing2/plan/jobs/blueprints_to_building_pieces_job.lua:343: in function ‘fn’
radiant/controllers/persistent_job.lua:86: in function <radiant/controllers/persistent_job.lua:78>
(tail call): ?
…ing2/plan/jobs/blueprints_to_building_pieces_job.lua:302: in function ‘find_root_point’
…ing2/plan/jobs/blueprints_to_building_pieces_job.lua:160: in function ‘run’
stonehearth/lib/persistent_job_sequence.lua:39: in function ‘run’
radiant/controllers/persistent_job.lua:49: in function <radiant/controllers/persistent_job.lua:47>
(tail call): ?