Bugs with Footman


Okay i dont really sure if this is a bug but its really irritating! Because 1 of my footman is everytime going around the river because on the other side there is a wall to but i was saving my people because they are gonna delete the ladder on the ground but not on the wall but the footman was going around the river and try to attack the wolf and if i set him to attack a other location and he is there he is gonna try it again! For my self i fixed it and give him the job worker again and than footman again but its really irritating so yeah i dont know if it is a bug but hope its helpfull to fix something!

Yes its the suicidal soldier issues. Once they lock on target they will continue to attack. changing jobs or destroying the target with the console command is the only way I have found to stop them from doing that. The Devs have talked about this on the twitch stream and I believe they are working to fix it once they take care of issue with more priority.