BUG Upgrading town level

I made the monuments that the mission requested, after that nothing happened and the mission disappeared…:desapontado::preocupado:

Steps to reproduce:
1.Make all 3 monuments before upgrading your town
2.Place 1 monument and call the royal herald
3.The herald incorrectly detects what type of monument you have

Expected Results:
Herald should congratulate you depending on the type of monument - chirch, craftsmanship or military.

Actual Results:
Herald may incorrectly detect the monument and address you like of you’ve built another monument.

At this point, I have all three monuments built, I put the three in the city, but none was chosen and the mission disappeared.:neutral_face:


Welcome to the forum, @AnnaB :slightly_smiling_face:

Which mods are you using?

Could you upload your savefile so that we can check what happened?

  1. Find the save folder for the saves you wish to upload. By default, they are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install).
  2. Zip the folder.
  3. Right click the folder (should be a long set of numbers).
  4. Left click on Send to in the menu that appears.
  5. Left click on `Compressed (Zipped) folder).
  6. (Optional) Rename the folder to something different than the default set of numbers.
  7. Upload the save.
  8. If the zip is less than 10 MB, you can upload it directly. Either use the upload button or drag and drop it into the compose window,
  9. If larger than 10 MB, upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.
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1520625834430.rar (6.1 MB)
