Backpack bug and fire pit bug

title: Fire pit bug

summary: when my hearthlings don’t have anything to do (depending on which class they are in) they go to the fire pit and just stand still, they don’t even want to go to sleep in a bed they just pass out by the fire pit.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. make a action for example mining for workers or make some crafting items for example carpenter.

Expected Results: go pick up items or sleep.

Actual Results: go to fire pit and do nothing.

(picture is in the link below all text.)

Title: Backpack bug

Summary: i found one more bug about the backpack, and that is that if a hearthling have an item which can be placed is in a backpack it can’t be placed, but it will still show in the “place item” UI. what’s more annoying is that they won’t drop them in a stockpile or crate. so plz fix these bugs or atleast try.

Steps to reproduce:
haven’t found how to make them drop or use them yet.

Expected Results: when i place an item that someone have in the backpack they should go and place it. when the backpack is full they should go to a stockpile or crate to drop them off.

Actual Results: they keep the items and i can’t make them place them

Versions: latest version Develop-2494

(i couldn’t upload the pictures directly in this topic cuz they where from a dmp-file) (you can also see one more bug on this pic the mimic bug, atleast i call it like that cuz 1 hearthling mimic another but sill do his own animation.) (u have to look from the right to left to get it in the right order.)

Steam Community :: Naomi :: Screenshots

hey there @BloodGamer00 … welcome aboard! :smile:

I believe the items you’ve mentioned have been reported, but to be sure, and for future reference, it helps to use the suggested bug report template:



Steps to reproduce:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:



Versions and Mods:

System Information:


hey SteveAdamo

I updated the post to the template you send and i hope its correct.

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brilliant stuff… thanks for the followup! :+1: