With auto-queueing enabled, if you try to start construction of a building without having all the needed crafters (for instance, the building requires cloth but you have no weaver), a nil exception will be thrown, construction on the house ceases, and the house becomes impossible to complete.
Steps to reproduce:
Enable auto-queue crafting for building.
Do NOT assign all needed crafters for a building.
Try to build the building.
Expected Results:
The building should not be queued, or should be queued up without the requirements being queued up.
Actual Results:
Nil dereference and stuck construction.
@no_io which Stonehearth version are you playing?
I can’t get this to reproduce on latest A18 (3107). The building is built, but the missing objects for the missing crafters are on ghost mode until I get them (by crafting / buying / looting them).
You’re right - I can’t get it to trivially reproduce on release-610 or develop-3109. Apologies. I will post the save file if I can get it to happen again.