Assertion Failed

Title: Assertion failed error.

Summary: When I load my saved game, and try to start mining, I get an error and the game crashes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open saved game
  2. Wait
  3. Attempt to mine

Expected Results: Digging a tunnel.

Actual Results: Error message:

Assertion failed: false(C:\rb\ihome\root\SH-OB0-Build\stonehearth\sourse\client\renderer\renderer.cpp:2007)

Notes: I was trying to dig down to connect my main chambers with a tunnel to the outside. This error happens when I’m using the one-block mining tool. I’m also getting messages about merchants arriving, don’t know if that’s related.

Attachments: My save file:

Versions and Mods: Alpha 13 (release 483), Settlement Decor Mod

System Information: HP Laptop

Do you have only one line of error ?
If you do another task before mining one block, does the problem arrives ?
Hey @8BitCrab, that seems a problem to solve for you :smiley:

hey there @Zariface, does this happen for new games, or just for this save?

I think that’s a new one :confused:
Normally the renderer asserts happen right when you open or load the game, without needing to do anything.
Paging @not_owen_wilson and @Albert.

Though you need the decor mod to run the save…

As @Powerclank says, can you keep playing if you do any other task?

@Zariface - I loaded the game on Release 489 and didn’t have any problems mining. That assertion triggers if the renderer is unable to load a render resource. Do you have a stonehearth.log file from the crash?

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