Everytime i try to start a game on stonehearth, (just got the game so don’t have any saved files), it gives an assertion error and i have to click ok and then the game quits out. I’ve tried so many things, changing screen resolution, updating graphics card, checking drivers, you name it, I’ve probably done it. someone please help, i really would like to play this game…
I’m on windows 7
Toshiba laptop, model: Satellite L745, processor: Intel Core i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz
Stonehearth Alpha 15/16, no mods
video card just says Intel HD Graphics Family
this is the error message i get everytime
Assertion Failed: status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT(C:\rb\ihome\root\SH-OB-BUILD\stonehearth\source\horde3d\Source\Horde3DEngine\egRendererBase.cpp:1266)
Yea, that’s the first place I went, tried everything on that page and another for the past two days and looked up some others and none have worked so far
alright, could you attempt to start up the game and have it crash, then go to the stonehearth folder and locate the stonehearth.log and crash.dmp files and upload them here to the discourse?
if you need additional info on uploading them just ask.
alright, thanks for uploading those, hopefully they’ll help determine the cause of the crash. i don’t think i can be of much more help, so i’ll page @Albert (one of the devs) for you.
Hi! It appears (from the log) that your video card drivers are out of date. Can you make sure you’ve gone to Intel® Driver and Support Assistant and run the utility there to update your graphics card drivers to the latest version? I think that ought to fix the problem. Thanks!
They’re a bit newer than the ones you are currently using, but still quite old (Toshiba has not been certifying new drivers from Intel for this laptop for quite some time, for some reason). It’s very possible that installing these newer drivers might not fix the problem, but it’s definitely worth a shot.
From the log file, I also notice another issue (a “shader compiler” error) that is new for alpha 16. Does this same crashing also happen in alpha 15?
that last link you sent me actually let me download and for right now at least, i’m able to actually play stonehearth so thank you so much! I’ll let you know if anything goes awry