It probably won’t be long. I might expect the next update or two to contain him, but anything could happen really. The mason class exists in the code along with his uniform, chisel, and workbench. He doesn’t have any recipes right now, though.
With the help of my patented Tropospheric Data Extraction & Recovery Algorithm, I would say the reason it’s not appearing within the next lunar cycle will be owing to the desire to add in tons more stuff alongside the mason.
Are the recipes in a text document? Is that something that can be easily modified? I see we also have a miner incoming. I have been wondering about mining for some time. I can’t wait to finally cut some tunnels into those mountains, although admittedly I have betrayed my dwarf fortress roots by embarking in the foothills every time now for the animals and trees.
Pretty sure they’re in .json files, which can be edited by any halfway decent text file editor (including Notepad).
Yeah, recipes are just stored as nicely formatted text (JSON) so it’s really easy to edit. The hard part is creating NEW items because then you have to do some 3D modeling in Qubicle and set the item up. Still not bad, but harder.
It’s really easy to create/edit recipes for existing items, though.
When I buy it now, I would get the Alpha 5 and every future update?
And shouldn’t it be 25$?
Yes, whatever you purchase now gives you access to the game as it currently is, and all future updates.
I believe it is $25 though will need to double check.
hey there @groms … welcome aboard!
the game is available from the official website (Humble Bundle widget) for $30…
have fun!
Ok so its really bugging me and i cant hold it in… Nobody seems to be talking about children, if there is a thread about that someone reply with a link… I know there are more core elements to the game which must come first but i cant stop thinking about the next generations.
Will there be an ageing process?.. Will children inherit their parents career skills?.. How will children be added to the game will they wander in as travelers, will they be ‘created’, will they randomly generate with good living conditions or will a stalk fly in from over yonder and deliver a precious little parcel to village doorsteps.
I could go on, but im going to try and contain myself. I guess i just want to know that Kids will be in the game eventually.
Here is a few:
Thanks @SteveAdamo and @Geoffers747 too.
I really have the urge to buy this game … but I have got some bad experiences with alpha games.
Gnaaaaa but it looks really good and I like this kind of games, reminds me a little bit of settlers, the old and good ones.
Well, it depends what you are expecting from the game at the moment! It has come a long way since December, but there is still a long way to go.
If you are unsure, watch a few of the most recent playthroughs on Youtube, and perhaps wait a couple of months?
Watch Youtube playthroughs of the newest alpha - check
Looks good and solid right now. You can not do much but hey, it is an alpha build.
I’m not sure if this is where this goes (it seems to fit with the thread topic) so someone can point me elsewhere if necessary, but I recently accessed my HB page, got my Steam code, transferred it to Steam, pressed the button to play the game…and got “Failed to start game (unknown error).” I’ve looked throughout Steam and on here, but I haven’t seen anyone mention this. Does anyone know of how to solve this problem?
-> <- support forum would be the place for help
I hate this game … IT LOOKS TO GOOD and IT IS JUST WHAT I WANT
Soooooooooooooooooooooo I had to buy it
Playing Stonehearth alpha now, if everything goes smoothly
wise decision… report back and let us know how you progress!
Going to add this in here in the hopes it saves a little time…
Help Help: My game keeps crashing! I have an AMD graphics card (eg Radeon)!
Answer: Go HERE, enter your graphics card details, and find the latest drivers (ignore your own update software and check the website). If the problem still persists, use the support forum section, and remember to post your PC specs (Windows version, 32/64 bit, CPU, RAM, graphics card), and the fact that you updated your drivers this way first!
when will i be able to buy Stonehearth through the steam store?
Nobody knows exactly, but I expect spring / early summer next year will see Stonehearth beta, which is when I’d bet on early access and access on the Steam store.