no sir… its been around for quite some time… isn’t it awesome?
i was confused, then amused, then entranced.
i got many questions. when comes the mammoth ?
how can i send my footman to a position?.. i see the goblins but they dont attack them.
i player the hole alpha and alpha 5 ist more stable then the others.
cya and sry for my bad english
In the fullness of time, at the appropriate juncture.
(In other words, nobody knows )
Footmen patrol stockpiles currently - finer control will be included in a future update.
It’s a known bug.
Indeed .
This is more related to the discourse. @SteveAdamo, @Geoffers747, if the two contests ever become popular again, which they will when Alpha 5 is released, then can you open them again?
I also have two suggestions for contests. Music and Graphical contests. In the audio contests, people who join the contest will be given a theme, and will have to make a piece of music based on it. We already have a group of musicians on this forum, so this may be a good contest when most likely, more musicians join the community when the game becomes popular enough. the Graphical contest is for people like @Goldmetal (PLEASE COME BACK! WE THRIVE OFF YOUR ART!) who are skilled at drawing and doing all graphical stuff. It’ll work like a regular contest. Theme, time limit, suggestions, blah blah blah.
Here is one small question for the community. Remember that Defend The Tower forum game that existed a few months ago. it was really fun, but it closed down. How would you guys react if I said I wanted to reboot that game?
We will probably revisit them in a month or two, depending on how active things are, and what versions of Qubicle are available etc.
We thought about these, there wasn’t really enough interest and we didn’t really have much to offer in the way of prizes for 4 different competitions at the time, but it’s certainly a good thing to revisit.
With great vengeance and furious anger.
Should’ve known.
In a few months time, they probably will have enough interest and hopefully we’ll have a larger variety of “stuff makers” on the board. I also thought of a good way to get prizes. Motivate people to donate some for the contest, and in return, they get something like a title or something like that. It certainly is a good thing to revisit.
I’ll get on it right away!
One last thing before I leave this glorious thread to go find a new one to mate with. (Wut in the?)
@Swift_Cube, sorry in advance. That game you wanted to die is coming back from the dead
How do I get new workers (people). I have had 2 die in Goblin Raids.
At the moment only through events. Occasionally a random hearthling will attempt to join your settlement.
Will there be mining and fishing in future builds? I’d like to see villagers in little boats with the paper sailor hats bringing in fish or footmen in patrol boats chasing off goblins on makeshift rafts or digging deep into the mountains or underground to find a city of mole people to trade with that really need supplies since they don’t come out in the open but they send an NPC quest giver for X ammount of resource in exchange for X resource that can only be obtained by trading with the mole people and you actually get to see their city improve over time.
I just purchased/became a Stonehearth kickstarter last night. I played for about 3 hours (fun!). I had the workers harvest the stones to get them out of the way. Then when building houses I saw that there were different types of walls to build. It seems like all the walls use wood. Is there a plan in the future to use the stone to create a stone wall?
I also promoted a worker into a footman, then a random footman wanted to join. Great! Now I have two of them, but they always seem to be at the opposite end of the town when a goblin is stealing. I had two goblins taking turns at opposite ends stealing, two footmen doing their rounds, scared workers running for their lives (I love the comments they make btw), but no way to get the footmen where they need to be when they need to be there. Is there any way to specify where a footman should patrol. Footman A patrol this half and footman B patrol this half, that’s less ground to cover individually, and the goblins might get what’s coming to them. Also, I created a leather armor for one of my footman and it made him move really slow. I can’t imagine what iron armor would do. Maybe leveling up makes them a little faster with the armor?
I’m so excited by everything you say you have planned. I haven’t read it all since I’ve just stumbled across the game. I’ve also never played/tested an alpha before. Stonehearth is already satisfying a town simulator need I have. Keep at it guys!
Maybe have a painter to paint the walls, floors, roof, door and windows of a house in different colors? Maybe different plants and minerals are required to make different colors?
Almost certainly. The mason just isn’t implemented yet .
At the moment they just patrol crop fields & stockpiles, but this kind of thing will come eventually .
That was the quickest response in the history of forever! Thank you!
Where is the Stonehearth team located? Do they work in the same office or collaboratively online? Do you give tours? Can I send you popcorn and snuggies?
You’re welcome .
Los Altos, California.
Same office for… certainly nearly all of them. I don’t think they have any who work from elsewhere.
I don’t think so. Maybe for top Kickstarter backers .
If you can get the address I’m sure they’d love them .
welcome aboard @KayEngel!
glad you’re enjoying it… have fun!
@Teleros, i’m thinking a title of sorts is in your future as well… hmm… ponders
Yep that is the perfect title
Whats the maximum amount of villagers as of A5?
I don’t think there is a max - the game will crash on you or somesuch first anyway XD .
I’m currently up to 10 villagers on day 7, will hopefully be able to keep save.
Will keep updates on how many I can get to.
I am going bonkers(medical term) waiting for the mason. Any guestimate(scientific term) as to how many moon cycles before my game will contain them?