That’s not actually what the arrows are meant for; they’re meant to show where the front of the object / model / item / etc is. On some models it’s obvious by the design, such as the dresser or bed. But when you look at something like the clay chairs, it can be confusing which way they are facing. Thus the arrow exists.
I strongly second this.
This is because of where your banner is. It will do this when it believes it doesn’t have room to place it next to it.
This is due to hit boxes. Windows to the game are nothing more than holes without hitboxes. So…when there’s a 3x1 hole somewhere, the Hearthling’s path finding sees it as a path. I made curtain windows a while back that are 6x2, and without the correct hitbox, the game sees it as a missing chunk of wall.
Actually…it’s because you’re underground. Hearthlings have a space sensing mechanic where they can feel cramped when in small spaces. This then makes them feel bad.
Then how do they eat? Plays X-Files Theme