Alpha 14 on Steam Latest!

Thanks you radiantā€™s teamā€¦ now i have to spend all of my time on the game :smiley:

Omw tracking bug :smiley:

Something between normal and peaceful, right?

I read somewhere here about a ā€œhardcore modeā€ mod, so Iā€™m guessing that it is possible to do an ā€œeasy modeā€ too.

iā€™m pretty sure that on last nights stream @sdee said they are still tuning the new combat, so it might get easierā€¦ but maybe iā€™m just making stuff up.


Iam not sure what happend nowā€¦ i have 2 soldiers at the start, they standing on the Attack flag and hit the zombies ā€¦ sometimes ā€¦rarleyā€¦ and diedā€¦ the sun is shining the zombies still alive, my heartling in town defence modus look each other how they killed and do nothingā€¦NOTHING! WTF 5 days later and all are dead.

sad Heartling God :disappointed_relieved:


are your hearthlings in the militia?if not they wont attack anything,

you can put them in it by opening the citizens sheet and going to the ā€œgroupsā€ tab.

hope that helps.

If you can reproduce this, can you write up a bug report please?

As @8BitCrab mentioned, this is the very first build with the new combat encounters, and yes, there is still tuning occurring. I do like @BrunoSupremoā€™s idea of a mode between ā€œnormalā€ and ā€œpeacefulā€, but I (personally) doubt we will see any more modes until the game is more complete (combat-wise), as adding more modes will require that much more work in tuning with every update.


I only can pick soldiers into the combat groups, normal workers not listed so i cant add them to a defensive group. But my soldiers was in a combat group (red flag)ā€¦

But maybe thats the issue (i should say it earlyā€¦) i get 2 Errors in the screen to pick the starting location on the map .
develop-2786 (x64)c++ exception: lua runtime errorstack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entityā€™
radiant/modules/entities.lua:24: in function ā€˜create_entityā€™
ā€¦th/services/server/population/population_faction.lua:224: in function ā€˜create_new_citizenā€™
ā€¦vices/server/game_creation/game_creation_service.lua:377: in function ā€˜_generate_citizenā€™
ā€¦vices/server/game_creation/game_creation_service.lua:74: in function <ā€¦vices/server/game_creation/game_creation_service.lua:60>

develop-2786 (x64)radiant/modules/events.lua:86: assertion failed!stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function 'assertā€™
radiant/modules/events.lua:86: in function 'listenā€™
cookmod/ai/observers/food_buffs_observer.lua:6: in function 'initializeā€™
radiant/modules/common.lua:388: in function ā€˜create_controllerā€™
ā€¦ehearth/components/observers/observers_component.lua:50: in function ā€˜_create_observer_controllerā€™
ā€¦ehearth/components/observers/observers_component.lua:61: in function 'add_observerā€™
stonehearth/services/server/ai/ai_injector.lua:57: in function '_inject_observersā€™
stonehearth/services/server/ai/ai_injector.lua:44: in function '_inject_aiā€™
stonehearth/services/server/ai/ai_injector.lua:14: in function '__user_initā€™
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:270: in function '__initā€™
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:201: in function 'AiInjectorā€™
stonehearth/services/server/ai/ai_service.lua:147: in function 'inject_aiā€™
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:62: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:45>

indeed that was changed, but thereā€™s actually a new militia function in the citizens menu here maybe this screenshot can better explain,

to access the citizens screen you can use the hotkey ā€œCā€ and then just switch tabs on the bottom left corner.


oh wellā€¦u mean THIS menue? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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oh boyā€¦ that was reported over here,

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ok, i remove all mods (brewery, cookmode and german translation), the ui is now fineā€¦and i see that are now more buttonsā€¦ evil mods :smiley:


just so you know, all mods have been broken with A14, so anything made for A13 wont work with A14.

Ohhhh i See a new screenā€¦ Ok i have missed it and must change the settings of thisā€¦ I will Do it when im Homeā€¦ Thx for showing Red xD

Hmm same english picture xD im really must test if im the Bad guy xD


okā€¦weird after removing the mods, also my soldier becomes aggro and kill everything what is not allowed to enter the town! :+1:

Seems to be fixed, the soldier are not anymore sleepy :smiley:


Sooo the bad guy has complete it - so its fixed now :wink:

Yeah the entlings TOTALY took my by suprise.

Game: "Invaders!"
Me: ā€œOh ok letā€™s go check itā€ clicks notification to center
Me: Moment of awe
Me: "AWESOME!!!"
Game: "Sean Burlyhands has just died"
Me: ā€œOH CRAP!ā€