PS - Sorry I’m too inadequate to do the cool picture-y link thingy that you guys do in all of the other Dev Blog threads. If a mod were to fix this, I’d be most grateful.
Looking really good. Just launched it! I’m loving the new tool tips you’ve added for the buttons. Also noticing the berry bush harvest icon that floats above the bushes (i think they scale up a little to quickly as you zoom in though imo)
Thank you Radiant!
Now to figure out the complicity of this Mixintos and Overrides -.-
Been playing for a couple minutes and my people keeping moving. I did notice they do not get hungry on the first day. Also when building a simple room they take logs back to the stash then bring it back to the building. This is a good build and the best dev. involvement I have seen.
First try at making my own smod with a mixinto and an override: Game won’t run.
Remove smod: Game Runs
Change smod to folder: game won’t run.
Change smod to zip: Runs? But no update?
This was in the previous releases as well. I’m for certain it’s intentional, this allows the carpenter to keep making items as the workers move them to a different “warehouse” stockpile instead of needing their own massive carpenter’s stockpile.
I can confirm that extracted folders seem to be buggy. On a clean installation, the game won’t continue past the “Place banner” phase - you can place the banner alright, but nothing happens afterwards. According to my logs, the entities are sometimes created - but they don’t seem to turn up.
This is probably fixable in my case, unless the resource loading is borked. No lua errors, nothing in any (RP) log.
It’s definitely not going away even after several restarts. I’m aware that placing the banner sometimes led to crashes, but a simple “nothing happens” (the camera is still usable)… that’s new.
Exact same issue I was having, the game wouldn’t crash but no workers would spawn and neither would the firepit.
(minus the not fixing on restart though)