Alpha 10 Building Bug (Walls this time around)

oh… sorry didnt meen to offend you, in fact that wink wasnt even “aimed” at you… at the time i had a reason for using the wink emoji, but ive totally forgot the reason now. oh tiredness how i love thee…

P.S. sorry i missed this comment earlier

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How many times do I have to say it. @8BitCrab, it will never work between us! Just stop flirting with me now. I’m more into other people here, like @Stoneheartfan. Ah…such talent.


replies with caution… Am I actually meant to be tagged this time If so thank you. And also thanks for saying such talent! means a lot! :heart:

Now I shall take my leave, Don’t want to get to happy if it wasn’t intended for me.


hmm… Are we sure here? Are you using the slab tool by any means?
Because I remember Tom making a bridge not so long, and people doing underwater buildings.

It was something along the lines of ‘you have to build this part first, and when hearthlings have finished building it, you can build other thing on top over it (with slabs)’ so the game would let you do the crazy design you had in mind.

I could make this perfectly in Alpha 10 r293:

In fact, the 2 buildings that are connected by a plank were built as a single building and only popped up a few errors but it was correctly finished.

The building with an external stair was also a single building, and the bridge too.

I think that you could build the bridge across buildings by making the bridge as part of the second/whichever story…

As for individual rooms, yes, it’s a feature that it’s not yet into the game (our forum architects could point you in the right direction on how to do it, if it’s possible with slabs).

Maybe the unable to place/build without putting a roof happens only when you start multi-story buildings? I haven’t tried it yet but as you can see, I didn’t place any roof or windows on my single story buildings and they were correctly built :confused:

I think that you should be able to place the external stairs with slabs even after finishing the building, that is rather strange… can anyone confirm this problem?

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Yes that was meant for you this time. You didn’t earn the title as “The Architect” for nothing.

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Aww thank you! :blush: This is why I love the Stonehearth community so much, Everyone is so supportive. I’ve started work on my biggest (and hopefully best) build yet. But I shall not spoil it yet, As its got 20+ hours worth of work to go!

Thanks again @SirAstrix I really appreciate the kind words :smile: You are to kind :wink:


If you placed the external stairs during the planning process of the building, that might make sense.
In the latest build of pre-alpha 10, I remember having built external stairs as well but it was part of the building lanning. I thought that was the problem when the 3rd floor wall wasn’t being built.

2nd, yes, I know you can build “bridges” across buildings using slabs. But they aren’t usable.

And the ones that are usable, have doors connecting each side. Open bridges across buildings are meant to be just that. No doors, no walls. And they are meant to be accessible by people who can’t fly.

As for the external slabs after building process, I can wait for eternity and the citizens will never begin the project. But how about you try it out first and see f it works for you. If it does, then we have another problem on our hands: how does two different computers have two different games?.

see, thats the strange thing. people have been reporting all these bugs, yet i never run into them, even when they post the exact steps to reproduce it and other people confirm it works…

my game just runs super smooth for some reason :confused:

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Mine was the same way for a while. Everyone was complaining of AMD crashes left and right, and I’m sitting over here like, what are you talking about?!. Now I’m starting to get some of the same glitches.