Alchohol, water and beverages

In Stonehearth I want to see drinks, water at the moment is useless so from springs, lakes, ground etc

-New job: Brewer
-Milk from sheep
-Brewers use Wheat- Beer
Wheat and Corn-Malt
Pumpkin- Pumpkin Liquer
Brightbell- Brightbell Spirit
Milk, Poyo Eggs, Beer- Eggnog
-Alchohol slows production and speed slightly but makes the hearthling happier
-If the Hearthing is very sad s/he will drink more alchohol
-Alchohol can be traded and cannot go off
-Milk can make cheese, butter and cream
-Butter can be made into fuel for lamps


I believe a brewer was one of the classes mentioned in the Kickstarter, and I’d certainly like t see that added.

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Would be great with more recipes and certainly liquid ones :jubilant:

This is definetly something that would improve the game.(says the guy who promised himself he’d never drink achohol) I’ve often thought drinkables of some sort was missing.
Thx for reading :smile:


@Simon_Noval You dont get drunk even if your heartlings do… i promise :jubilant:

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@Fornjotr I get drunk and high by life. So your’e right, hearthlings won’t effect me

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I actually like this idea and think it would work well in this game, except for the part about butter being made into fuel for lamps. To me that doesn’t seem to fit with Stonehearth, but otherwise great post

it’s me being indian, in India people use clarified butter to light lamps


I dont really like Alcohol, Rum or Wine in this game.
It would become another Rimworld… ended up with DRUGS.
This game have a very family oriented Style design, Gameplay and Nice Dev.
Instead maybe create alternative like Soda Drinks, Fairy Water, or Coffee/Tea or me? lol etc.

Just my 2 cents.

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