Many belated greetings, everyone!
The day to release the next major stable version of ACE has finally arrived! (Spoilers: No dwarves yet… Sorry! More on that below!)
This was supposed to be “just one more fixing version”… As it turns out, a small but very hard working part of the team ended up finding (and engaging) on a very nice work flow and team working, so we ended up going a bit over the top with an amazing and huge new list of things!
This is not the end, however! There are still a lot of things that can be refined in the base game experience before we move on to more concrete new additions - yes, Dwarves. I understand that the anticipation for our hairy little friends is HUGE - but we really want to do as much as we can for the base game experience before we move on to those new additions. The reason for this is quite simple: everything we create and balance will have to be redone and rebalanced after each new base game addition or modification. So it’s easier - in terms of work dynamics - to finish the “foundation” first and then we will be able to quickly progress through dwarves and their cool stuff, new jobs, automatons and all that!
That said, let’s move on to what matters! Just one last thing:
As usual, I’d like to really, really show my appreciation and thank all those involved, either with testing or actual development. You all rock! (@Paulthegreat best co-worker! ) ACE is something from the community TO the community
And, of course, huge thanks to Team Radiant for their everlasting support and awesomeness!
Without further ado…
Stonehearth ACE
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Pre-Release 0.9.3 - THE QUALITY UPDATE
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This version is so huge that we decided to make a new thread for it. It’s almost a re-release of ACE and there are tons of new things to discover and have fun with!
If you are still playing a 0.9.2+ game and is really invested on it, you may continue by download the older version by following the link above! 0.9.3 should be save compatible but is likely to throw a lot of errors and might cause some issues.
For organization reasons, we’ll list changes differently from how we did before - separating them in categories!
Brace for impact - these patch notes are something else…
View Patch Notes
- Quality Crafting! Now quality has a direct influence on crafting: if your crafting ingredients have a quality different than normal, this will greatly influence the quality of the crafted product. Note that the ingredients increase the chance but the crafter also requires the specific level trait that allows them to craft such qualities (otherwise the chance remains 0). This allows for the strengthening and boosting of economies by investing in the quality increase of raw resources. For example, higher quality saplings will sprout into higher quality trees that will provide higher quality seeds and higher quality wood that can be used for higher quality carpentry works. Same applies to crops and food, mining and the use of clay, stone and ores, etc.
- To support the addition above, all items in the game now support the quality system through dynamically applied quality via code. Additionally, there are now some new Settings in the menu related to quality and the using of new features.
- There are also some new settings in the Craft Window! You can now tick an option to use the best qualities on a per-recipe basis - and you might also hold the SHIFT key while crafting to instantly create that crafting order on the very top of the queue.
- There are now two new universal values that can be greatly modified by different things and have direct impact on gameplay. These are “Humidity” and “Sunlight”. They were present in the game before - indirectly - through the very generic “Growth Time Multiplier” applied on crops under certain circumstances. These have been removed and replaced for more detailed measurements that take those two values into account.
- Those values, as you can expect, vary a lot. The things that affects them the most are the biome, its seasons and weather types. All biomes and weather types have received bullet points on their tooltips indicating their overall humidity and sunlight.
- Other factors influence the humidity and sunlight received by farms, more on that below.
- The current season will now be displayed as an icon near the date, on the right of the screen. Modders can create custom icons for their seasons as well.
- The old “Cold” and “Hot” debuffs given by some weathers have been removed and broken down into different stages of warmth (Hot → Sunstroke) and coldness (Chilly → Cold → Freezing). Different weathers will inflict the different debuffs and new pieces of clothing (and other things, like warmth from fires and forges) are now available to protect your hearthlings!
- Simple Winter Worker Outfit, clothing.
- Simple Worker Leather Jacket, clothing.
- Simple Worker Bear Coat, clothing.
- Some kingdoms also have specific, buffed versions of these - similar to the Winter Worker Outfit. Rayya’s Children can only have Chilly buffed clothing, Ascendancy goes up to Cold Buffed and Northern Alliance is the only one that has access to Freezing Buffed outfits.
- “Early Snow” and “Late Snow” weather types now have unique images.
- The “Hot Weather” debuff now affects animals too.
- If a hearthling being affected by any cold weather debuff goes into the water, they get a “Freezing Water” debuff that actually hurts them! Be careful! Changes (AI and such) might come to this in the future to prevent hearthlings from putting themselves at risk - everything might be reconsidered. But we’ll be experimenting with this for this version.
- The same applies to the “Freezing Weather”, applied by blizzards.
- On the other hand, some things now cast a “Feeling Warm” buff that protects your hearthlings from any cold effects for 1h, for example: Firepits, Furnaces, Ovens, etc.
- Winter outfits will not be liked by hearthlings during the Summer.
- The descriptions of all existing weather types have been updated to cover the new additions.
- Different foods and drinks can now give buffs that will also protect from different weather conditions, like “Warm Belly” and “Cool Belly”.
- Completely revamped User Interface! The Farmer Field interface now displays a very informative and cute array of icons and tooltips to help you understand exactly what your fields need to be more efficient! This covers the previous needs like preferred seasons and irrigation but also the new things like sunlight.
- Yes, we removed underground farming. Now any sort of covering on top of farm fields (and even, to some degree, on the sun’s trajectory (east-west) will reduce received sunlight. Sorry, not sorry!
- Fertilizers! Fertilizers can be crafted by the Herbalist and can have a wide range of customizable effects. In ACE, fertilizers will improve the chances of getting higher quality crops. Your farmer needs the new Level 3 perk to use fertilizer and will automatically apply it to crops if available.
- Megacrops! The Farmer now has a very rare chance of growing a megacrop once they reach level 6. Megacrops are giant versions of a crop that will yield a significant amount of the crop’s resource. Some megacrops also have special drops, but these will be left as a surprise for the community to find out
There’s also a special fertilizer that can increase the chance of getting megacrops.
- Visual indicators for irrigation levels and fertilized crops. Now the farmer field will look more dry (light brown-ish) or more watered (dark brown) the more water it detects around it. There are basically three shades: dry, irrigated (but not fully) and fully irrigated - which means the crop is getting the most out of it. Additionally, you can also see which crops have been fertilized.
- Traits & Perks: Moved some traits around, with the yield bonus now spread across multiple levels in 3 ranks: 25%, 50% and 100% and also adding some new things like the ability to use fertilizers or grow megacrops.
- Tweaked the irrigation values so they are more flexible towards the amount of water around the farm, requiring lower water levels overall and being more achievable in the early game, depending on biome and season.
- The Shepherd can now unlock the ability to raise Ostriches! Ostriches will provide you with a renewable source of large eggs but also with good meat, feathers and bone.
- Moo-Moos have joined the ranks as well! These cute and chubby ruminants will bring some new delicacies to your town like milk and steak! Related products like Moo-Moo Jerky and Moo-Moo Pelt have also been added.
- Food troughs - or mangers - can now be crafted and placed inside pastures. These will be used by the Shepherd to provide food for the animals. This allows you not only to determine where the food will be placed but also to stock animal feed, since mangers will be refilled even when animals are not hungry. There are mangers of all base materials (Clay, Wood and Stone).
- Pasture Beddings! These new (and relatively comfortable) beddings will now be used by your pastured animals to sleep at night and to hide during bad weather that can affect them. That means you can now shelter your animals from snow by placing their beddings inside a protected area, like a barn or coop. The beddings must be placed inside the pasture zone.
- Pasture animals can now be named, and the name will be carried on from baby stages to mature stages (So you can name baby animals!). Additionally, other entities that could already be renamed can now be renamed by clicking their name on the unit frame.
- Named animals will always be unlikely picks for auto-slaughtering. Which means that if you have some named animals in a pen, your shepherd will not automatically slaughter them whenever your pen exceeds the maximum number of desired animals. Note that they will be slaughtered should there are no other options, though.
- Fodder, food. Generic animal fodder can now be crafted; it is more efficient than specific food but it doesn’t provide any quality bonus to shepherd’s produce. Specific fodder, on the other hand, has been improved to provide quality bonuses. For that reason, they’ve also been made higher level in merchants and in crafting.
- Bunny, shepherd animal. Now rabbits have a “young” stage too. << Cuteness overload >>
- Traits & perks: Swapped the Level 1 and Level 2 traits around; extra animal speed on Level 1 made no sense (it’s base behavior since professions start at Level 1). Also swapped the Level 3 and 4 traits around, making it more interesting. Added a new trait to Level 1 for small animals, one for Level 3 for large animals and one for Level 5 highlighting their new ability to domesticate exotic creatures (Ostriches, for renewable large eggs). Also added a new mastery trait at Level 6 that makes the “Cared For” buff last longer and the “Stenched” debuff be shorter.
- Made it so Pastures will now generate more (or less) grass according to the weather.
- Pasture animals will now grow and reproduce slower. They will, however, yield more resources when slaughtered.
- The experience gain for Shepherds and Trappers has been tweaked to make their progression a little more meaningful and their job feel a bit less “place and forget”.
- Pasture animals now slowly recover health whenever they have the “Cared for” buff active.
- The “Stenched” debuff was made longer to compensate for a bug fix.
- Shepherds can now be promoted from both the Farmer and the Trapper.
- Pet beds! Pet beds come in three variations: Simple, Comfy and Ornate - and can be made by all common crafters: Carpenter, Mason, Potter. (The “Ornate Stone Pet Bed” is not in yet since the “Marble” set is not in either) Pets will always look for the bed that is nearest to their owner’s bed - but if their owner does not have a bed they’ll just go to any bed. So if your hearthlings have little furry friends, make sure to build pet beds next to their beds!
- Pet Kibble Bowls! Just like beds, you can craft Pet Kibble Bowls out of any material. They’ll hold kibble, a special food that can only be eaten by pets and is crafted by the Cook. As long as Kibble is available anywhere (even on the ground), pets will always prefer it! But why have it anywhere when you can put it in cute bowls, right? :3
- Kibble, Veggie Kibble and Fish Kibble, foods.
- Fawn and Lamb, wild animals. Baby deer and sheep! :3
- Wild Moo-Moos and their calves. Wild Moo-Moos are actually older relatives of the tamed, gentle Moo-Moos and vary from biome to biome, mostly as Yaks or Aurochsen. They also provide steak and beef jerky but have their own pelt and milk.
- Wild egg nests for both poyos and big birds. They have a random chance of spawning alongside their families. Please do not disturb the young eggs… too much.
- Lambs have been renamed from “A Lamb” to “Lamb”; Poyos from “A Poyo” to “Poyo”.
- Wild birds won’t lay eggs anymore, they’ll now randomly spawn with nests that you can harvest for eggs. This should prevent the overflow of wild eggs and the uncontrollable reproduction of wild birds.
- Bears now have different colors depending on the biome. They also have new graphics for the pelts.
- Pandas were removed from the pet stores… for now.
- Fishes have been greatly changed and rebalance to be more performance-friendly by removing or lowering a couple of their logic; Their reproduction cycles have also been reviewed and they should now keep much more reasonable numbers.
- The value of bear pelts has been increased to 7.
- Bears will now make proper bear sounds!
- Civilian Tools! Now every hearthling starts with 3 basic (Bronze) tools (Hammer, Axe and Pick); It works pretty much as it always did, but you may also craft Iron and Steel tools with a Blacksmith, which greatly enhances all your capabilities! The Iron tools are pretty much similar to base game tier 2 behavior while the Steel tools are a tad bit faster than anything you’ve seen before! Hammers influence building speed, Axes influence tree chopping speed and the Pick influences mining speed but also increases the chances of getting higher quality resources (ore, stone, clay, etc.) Other than these, there are also a couple of extra tools you might found out by yourself!
(did someone say “backpacks”?)
- Wide Ladder, building part. A 2-voxel wide ladder alternative for when you need a centered ladder for an even-sized wall.
- Skull, resource. (Don’t think too much about it
- Cast Iron Holder, furniture. Cute metal storage for 4 pieces of Firewood.
- Firewood Shed, furniture. Comes in clay, wood or stone. Can hold up to 18 pieces of Firewood.
- Sheep Milk & Moo-Moo Milk, drinks. Drinks still act like food for now, but that is bound to change over time (wink). Either way, they’re cute and you can make some new things with them like…
- Curdling Mixture, cooking ingredient. Crafted by the Cook, pour it inside an…
- Empty Cheese Vat, workbench. New workbench for the Cook, it works a bit differently from regular workbenches though - once placed, Cooks will use it on certain intervals but they mostly work by themselves. Over time they will produce…
- Fresh Cheese, Mild Cheese, Aged Cheese, foods. Mmmmm… Cheese.
- Fruit Yogurt, food.
- Bowl of Corn Cereals, food.
- Butter, cooking ingredient.
- Bog Butter Keg & Whey Butter (different types of butter obtained through alternative methods but that can be used as butter in recipes that use it)
- Buttered Bulbs, food.
- Seared Meat & Veggies, food
- Butter Cookies, food.
- Imperial Salad, food.
- Melted Poyo, food.
- Cheesecake, food.
- A couple of egg variations, just for flair.
- Rice Flour, cooking ingredient.
- Two new resource constants, “grain” and “grain_flour cooking_ingredient”.
- Pasta, food. (Heirblooms are tomatoes! I never noticed that!)
- Hazelnut Tree Seed, Chestnut Tree Seed, Walnut Tree Seed, Almond Tree Seed, alternatives for edible nuts and fruits (in the case of almonds); Can’t be planted, can only be obtained through merchants.
- Water Springs and Rock Crevices. They act like Wet Stones and Dry stones, however they can’t be moved or undeployed, only destroyed. They’ll appear naturally in some landmarks - for now they’re only used as replacement for wet and dry stones in existing landmarks. The reason for this is because we found out that the multiple stones would cause additional performance hiccups. Reducing all landmarks to only one water source and one water drain will significantly improve performance on those landmarks.
- Corn Seeds, consumable.
- Paddy Seeds, consumable.
- “Transform”, a new component that is very flexible and powerful, bringing a new set of tools that allows entities to be given commands that will forcefully call a transformation of the entity. These commands can be greatly customized from simple, instantaneous remote transformations to more complex ways like requiring a worker or a certain job to come and perform an action, with or without material costs, for the transformation to happen.
- As examples of the feature above, you may find some of the new mega crops and how they work or some other things in the world like Marble Boulders or Fallen Logs… You may want to click them for a surprise
- Modding support for "disallowing" certain buffs through other buffs. That can be used for a wide array of things like "shield buffs", buff cleansing, antagonistic buffs (cold x hot, etc) and more. ACE includes a couple of examples, like the combat buffs applied by different types of weapons that can come in multiple intensities.
- There’s now a “Thorns” buff script that allows modders to create a buff that will inflict damage on the attackers of the one with the buff. The damage can be either a percentage of the damage received (like a “reflect”) or a flat value.
- There is now a new recipe for Bone Clay. Of lower level and less efficient, this recipe accepts any kind of stone or clay. On level 6, the Potter - by experimenting with so many stones and clay types - uncovers the most efficient techniques of making Bone Clay, then unlocking the specific recipe with a higher yield.
- All the market stalls have received a bunch of model variants so the market areas can look a bit more varied and lively.
- Added several new stockpile filters. Plants can now be broken into herbs, algae and fiber, goods now include fertilizers and a new category called “Nature & Scenery” includes saplings, seeds, plants that can be placed and captive fish.
- Added a new feature for the “Storage Component”. Modders can now define a “default_filter” using the same syntax filters use (ie.: “stockpile_equipment melee_weapon”). Using that function will override menu settings and make it so that entity/container will always be created, by default, with that filter chosen. Refer to the pet bowls for examples!
- The “Food Preference” trait script has been tuned and improved to support an amount of new features. Features include the possibility of creating food intolerances - opposed to preferences, these will cause negative thoughts when eaten. Intolerances can also cause a buff that can vary from intolerance to intolerance. Additionally, positive thoughts and positive buffs have also been added to preferences, on a new range of food (value 7) called “lovely” that is specific to hearthlings that really love something.
- To showcase the changes above there are now a handful of new traits: Dairy Intolerance, Nut Intolerance, Fish Intolerance, Dairy Lover, Meat Lover, Mushroom Lover and Veggie Lover. Unlike Carnivores or Herbivores, lovers won’t have negative thoughts when eating something they don’t like but will always love eating something they like. Intolerants will hate eating things they are intolerant of and will also get a debuff for doing so.
- Added a new feature to the consumption component that allows foods to apply buffs when consumed.
- Northern Alliance archers have been giving a specific trait displaying their ability to hunt animals. They’ve also received a Toggle command on their unit frame that allows you to control whether or not they’ll randomly hunt animals and a box selection tool under the Harvest menu for specifically marking animals for hunting.
- A persistence system that records a bunch of relevant information (and can be greatly customized) from towns. Although not in use yet, this can be used by modders and will be used by ACE to create interesting interactions between your towns that have reached certain milestones (like Tier 3), for example: customized traders from that town that can appear for another town.
- The blacksmith can now melt gold coins into gold ingots. It is also possible to unlock recipes for making gold flakes and gold ingots into coins, on a ratio much higher than selling (even with the Cunning banner): 100 coins per ingot. However these recipes are locked behind the Guildmaster’s choice (Tier 3)
- Different buffs have been given to light, medium and heavy armor - and also to light and heavy shields. They’re very minor but aim to give a slight difference to such types of armor and on the roles of each job.
- The Herbalist can now craft daisy seeds from daisy herbs, similarly to other transmutation recipes.
- The Herbalist can now craft farmer seeds for their own kingdom’s initial farmer crops. This should allow/encourage some interesting trading possibilities in multiplayer games with multiple kingdoms!
- To support the new civilian equipment added, a new feature to the "postures" system has been added by mixing into the Radiant Mod. Now postures that are not highest priority but still modify certain effects will have priority over the default effects, effectively creating a layering of possible effects. This can be used by modders and ACE alike for many interesting things!
- Added a settings option to show the “Processing Bar” - the one that shows how much and where processing power is being used. It comes active by default and can be deactivated to hide it.
- Patrol Banners, hearthlings, and pets can all be renamed by clicking their name on the unit frame.
- You can now change the job of a hearthling by clicking the little job icon on their unit frame. The icon will be highlighted and there will be a tooltip explaining that.
- There are now several new icons that represent equipment types - and are displayed on equipment unit frames and crafting windows.
- Crafting windows can also display inflicted or received bonus from equipment as well, so the player can be more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each equipment they craft.
- Lots of new tips (and some loading messages) that will help players familiarize themselves with many new aspects from ACE. They also contain useful tips! Some previous tips from the base game have also been updated to reflect the current state of the game with ACE.
- Auto-save has been improved and now counts with some gameplay settings: Unique files will allow you to set it up so instead of saving over the same “auto_save” file, it will create a new save file with the current date/time
- Maximum number of auto save files: when using unique saves, automatically delete the oldest ones when you have more than this number
- Interval allows you to customize the time, instead of always saving every 5 minutes, it has many options between 5 and 30 minutes (first auto-save may still be 5 minutes after loading)
- Entity Information! (enabled by default in gameplay settings) shows an information icon on the unit frame when the selected entity has components with extra information that can be communicated to the player; mostly just some general information about some components, but specific information has been implemented for piles and titles (more on this below)
- The icons for all the combat debuffs that have multiple intensities have been recolored so the user can visually identify which intensities of which buffs are being applied. They now go from a dark red (minor) to a bright red (major).
- Edited the tooltips of the Wilderness meter on Trapping Zones to more clearly demonstrate its effects.
- The icons of the “Ore Detector” heatmap have all been updated to fit with the other icon styles more nicely.
- Some adjustments were made to the unit frame’s size and scaling were made on an attempt to prevent certain situations where it would dynamically change its size in a weird way or not be able to fit certain information, among other oddities.
- The icon for the “Shaken” debuff has been changed and looks nicer now.
- The icon for “Move Banner” command on patrol banners is now impoved and looks better.