Mate, thank you so much!! My save is saved! I didnt know there’s a difference!!
Here is another one.
As far as they got before they gave up. And yes they umm… used way more wood then I was expecting, almost emptied my stockpile of it, and I had a lot stored. The house is filled with scaffolding.
What it is suppose to look like, I had to destroy the scaffolding and ladders before ib it finished.
Here is the template:
clay smith f split (5.1 KB)
What they did build they did it awkwardly in excess of scaffolding; continuing to do so after that got that portion done, which filled that area when they stopped. What ladders you see left in the second pic were ones I placed so they could cleanup. At least they did that much after using ib.
I think devs should take a look into this, although it is working, they build it flawless and even remove all scaffold and ladders after it. BUT, my (fresh new) game got really lag while they were building it, Even the camera movement was laggy, and I never got this laggy before. (79.8 KB)
Did you track the bar in the bottom right for the main purpose of that lag?
My guess would be probably the pathfinder, as this labyrinth should even get the best pathfinder to struggle…
Am I reading that right, the lag did go away after finishing the building? (Which makes sense, as no one has to path though it any more…)
That was the strange part and why it got me from surprise. It was not pathfinding (yellow/orange bar), only lua (cyan bar). They also didn’t had to pathfind through it while building because they had scaffolding everywhere and they could simple climb any wall.
The lag stopped as soon as they finished and started removing the ladders. And they could even move through it with no lag (to get those leftover wood pieces)
Hi, I’m working on putting together a bug report, but for now, has anyone else noticed that hearthlings build just fine until a second structure is designated? For instance, I designate a house to be built, then leave. Time passes and the hearthlings build about half of the structure. I designate a second house anywhere else on the map, and the hearthlings work on the second house to completion, but never return to the first house.
I’ve noticed their priorities get confused when I do this, but my Hearthlings do eventually return to it. I’ve three or four started at the same time in the past, and all were eventually completed. It does take a while though
you said post in the editor, would be great to know what that is XD but
restarted the game about 4 times, first 3 no work, reset ram, working now.
I believe you were looking for post #45, which I have linked to. Click the small up arrow in the top right to jump to the instructions.
Ok, so I designed a big castle that will not build. It’s not that my hearthlings don’t want to build it; it just crashes the game every time I try. In the original world where I designed it, everything is fine until I hit the “build” button. Then game stops responding, but the camera is still free to move around the world. Everything else is totally unresponsive and acting as though it is on pause, but it’s not actually on pause. So next I saved the template and tried it in a shiny, new world. Once the template finally loaded (it was very slow), I found a place to put it, and a few second after I clicked the spot, the game crashed. I tried this twice.
I’m thinking it is probably just too big a castle for my machine (i5 @ 2.5 CPU, 8 Gb Ram, GEForce 650M GPU). But if anyone else can get it to work, I’d love to know how.
grand (321.9 KB)
I guess its like for me @Mindemann the Roofes cause the crashes.
I have the same Issue like you with my Little Windmill.
Game crashes when i click on “Build”.
As you can see i become this Building to work , when i cut it into 2 Parts.
Main-, 2nd-, 3rd Floor was one Part and 4th-, and 5th Floor + Roof was the other Part.
First i build the first Part and after it was already Build by my Hearthlings, i put the second Part on it.
Curiosity the Building is buildable with Mainfloor up to the 5th Floor, but when i build this first the Roof cannot be build on it.
I do the same as Mindermann, testet this in a new World and Game crashes also.
Windmill Template (12.1 KB)
Hey there, so I’m playing on the latest build and I encountered 2 major problems:
First: I designed a house with 3 floors and several walls within a floor in order to sepparate rooms.
-> the third floor and the roof never got build and the whole building just got abandoned by the hearthlings.
Second: When I removed the old building and placed 2 new floorplates at the same location, it didn’t find these two floors as new buildings and didn’t let me build new walls on them. It worked when I placed the floors within the earth but not on top of it.
press “strg(ctrl) + c”
opens up the console
click on your castle
click on the console
type “ib” and press enter
castle should be ready … or your pc crashed
do not write or press "
Yes, thanks. I tried the Instabuild method already, and yes, after a long wait, crash. I will probably just have to break it into multiple parts, as LePropet is suggesting.
Hey there @SVHelios, welcome to the Discourse! While ib
might work to get the building built, it won’t help it be built in the future. If you could upload the template to this thread that would be very helpful. Check out post #45 for more details and instructions.
Nope IB didn´t helps here as long as a Roof is on the Building-
Guess the last Rooffix in latest Build or the Height of the Building causes this.
Of course I forgot the Json xD sry.
Here is the json and the screenshot where they stopped building.
The third floor was a workaround for the problem, that the roof wouldn’t align properly because of some spare walls I put in.
buggy (14.1 KB)
Thanks for the reminder, I think I got it all now.
This kind of problem is still persisting in the new release