On a suggestion about adding fences to the building editor I casually mentioned a workaround that used to work.
I was immediately questioned by a nonbeliever.
As the Stonehearth Engineer I pride myself on being, I had to turn to some very advanced science to set up an experiment to prove myself right or wrong once and for all.
It works; here’s a [hopefully] very useful template: template.zip (171.8 KB)
Now, it’s true that it’s quite hard to select fences after placing them in a template and erasing the floor. [Which is why I also saved the version with the floor for myself, “fences on rails”, just in case/] Whenever you click on one, the game thinks you want to move it out of the building and get it immediately placed in the real world. I lost a lot of my fences this way, but somehow I ended up with a nice round number - 5 fences left, and they were selected! I immediately saved it as a template and built it.
I went back to place a template. My template was there, but with a blank picture:
[I’ve fixed that by hand before uploading the template.]
However, it did load correctly:
It turns out templates automatically get selected when placed, making this fence template much easier to build than the original building:
You just click the build button. Almost no time is spent planning. If auto-queue is on, your carpenter will start working on fence-posts immediately. A few Hearthlings will carry a fence-post apiece, building the whole line in one or two goes. The entire template takes no more space than the fences, so they place in a row or on corners nicely. Is five too many? Simply click on the edge piece once it’s built and undeploy it!
I was super happy with the result so I spent the next few minutes having way too much fun building fences.