$30 Beta Backer - Any updates?

If this information is already posted somewhere else, my apologies – I’m not familiar with where to navigate on this website to find the information.

I’m a $30 beta backer of Stonehearth but I haven’t gotten any news or information from the company yet…Is the beta out? Any news? Thank you for any help.

Hello Hamster,

news about the development are frequently shared with the community. However, this happens via this forum and the homepage… not via Kickstarter. So far the Beta is not out yet. The devs are still planning to start it in December, as it was initially planned. Probably the release will be handled by Humble Bundle. Just some time prior the Beta starts, Radiant will share the eMail-adresses of all backers with Humble Bundle, who will send out a code which you can use to download the Beta. So we will have to wait a bit more, prior receiving any post from the devs on that one.

If you cannot wait, just take a look into this thread from one of the moderators. You will find a long list of details which have been shared in the last weeks…

P.S. The next piece of information can be expected tomorrow… Desktop Tuesday.

No, @Hamster. The beta has a planned release for December, but exact dates have not been specified. As of right now, the game is barely in a playable alpha from what we can see. In fact, most of their core gameplay mechanics have not even been finished yet, if any have at all.

Hope this answers your questions!

Not to worry, I’m sure between us all we can direct you towards everything you need :smile:

No emails have been sent out regarding the Kickstarter as far as I know … because there’s not really much to report!

Progress as far as we can tell is coming along nicely, if you [urlhttp://stonehearth.net/]check their official website[/url] they post all the updates on there. “Desktop Tuesday” on the Stonehearth website is the main source of information we have. As well as this they do livestream now and again, just to get everyone involved and to let us all keep in touch. You can check previous streams on their [urlhttp://twitch.tv/radiantentertainment]twitch channel[/url].

Beta is still set for December this year, I’m sure if something darastic happens they will let us know. They have hired another team member - Albert - and are close I think to hiring one or two more people.On top of that they are also looking to relocate the HQ to a bigger and more suitable venue (they’re currently all in @Tom’s house).

I’ve noticed that @voxel_pirate has just replied, so I’ll cut this off here :smile: if you have any questions or that, let us know, someone will be around to help you out!

Oh - to search the forums, use the magnifying glass top right, the search feature is actually pretty decent, so you should be able to find whatever it is you’re looking for :smile:

Edit: If you’re a twitter use - you can follow the team for updates here - Twitter / Account Suspended

Or to keep up to date on Facebook - Like this Stonehearth - Home | Facebook

welcome aboard @Hamster! :smile:

you have a pretty exhaustive list of resources here, but i’ll toss a few more out:

the only notifications that have gone out to backers, are those that pledged for physical rewards (t-shirts)… so, as everyone has mentioned, you’re good to go! :+1:

I just wanna add …

That Steam group is primarily for those in the community who wish to get together on Steam and game together. We’ll discuss with Team Radiant and look at sorting out an official Steam community for everyone soon.