Archers Leaves Walls / Tower

This would be great, I think what would be even better is that the engine actually simulated the trajectory of an arrow instead of being, this archer fires and arrow at this goblin - play the animation and the arrow always hits.
This is the one pet peave of mine with stonehearth as they say it’s a simulation but the projectiles aren’t simulated.

This is why I can’t play games like dota or starcraft, they don’t simulate projectiles and in an RTS that is based on ranged units it’s a deal breaker for me.

I would much prefer a model where the archer fires an arrow in the air with a certain force (based off of the hearthlings body/muscle stat) the projectile then arcs using a gravitational force. And then collides with whatever is at the end of it’s trajectory instead of tracking the target even if it moves.
(The arrows path bending in the air as the archers target moves hurts my eyes every time it happens)

This model would instantly give archers on higher ground more range and would make ranged combat really dynamic and interesting. If it is implemented in the C++ of the engine it won’t even affect performance as these calculations are trivial compared to the Pathfinding algorithm.