Workshop Modelling Livestream - Thursday 13th June 2013 - 16:00 PDT

Not workshops related but…
For those of us creating different items such as furniture in Qubicle; how will we add them into the game, set resources needed (e.g say setting it as 3 wood for a chair) and most importantly if you like them and the creator gives permission would you add them into the actual game?

Side question do you like my furniture set (Stonehearth Furniture Set - Album on Imgur)

@easto1a Partially answer regarding “adding assets into the game”… the devs are a bit careful about this. As they have mentioned, there are some concerns about copyrights for the mods, etc. Was not a final no (from my understanding) but I would not count on it.

How will you implement subterranean gameplay? not just in the sense of dwarves, but also in the sense of mining and underground storerooms and military bunkers and such. will we be forced to play above ground with mining being supplied by above ground resource/mineral nodes, or will we be able to to dig?

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So I’ll throw my question out there. and include it regardless of likes

  • Will we see collectables in game?

Stuff like Schematics for weapons/ armour, Recipes for potions/ food (if these are in, benefits to military and units), Building construction designs, Runes/ Magic spells, artifacts to display around the town?


What is the highest-level achievement in the game? In other words, what’s the endgame, the “full set of diamond armor and killed Ender dragon” that the devs consider an endgame?

@ManOfRet If I’m not mistaken the devs have said they do want wish to include a specific end game they want you to keep playing until you feel there is nothing more to do or have lost the game, and in response to the achievement part: this early in development I doubt they will have a list of achievements.

Apologies, I haven’t placed this in the Q & A yet, I will do that now!

The response to the question:

  • Will there be an endgame or victory condition? 1:12:01 of the Pizza party livestream

“I hope not … it’s a sandbox game, so there might be little cool goals, or achievements that you make for yourself, like make a level 20 smith and craft every item … in terms of will there be a final boss to kill? No, I don’t think so, it’s not that sort of game.”

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This is in regards to crafting, i suck at explaining things so feel free to reword this.
Will advanced crafting where we need a room(smithing for example) be workshop based or furniture based? Will there be the one, be all and end all blacksmith workshop, or will the items be placed separately? in the smith example, the furnace, anvil, water bucket

I get there is a limit to how much we do before it gets tedious, but i would kind of like customization for aesthetics.

Edit: since i already used my question, someone else post this :page_facing_up:
“Will we get some form of trophy or decoration from killing a titan? if I kill a dragon i would love to hang a dragon skull above my throne.”

Unless things have changed it sounded like, you build the building/ room, you then designate it as the blacksmiths by placing the anvil, furnace etc. So to me, that sounds like you would have free reign over where all these things are placed.

I have a question.

How will variations in skin colour, hair, clothes etc be handled 1) From an asset creation point of view and 2) in a scripting it into the mod/game point of view? (by this i mean the cosmetic variations in the civs)

cheers my dears


Will there be a morale mechanic in game?
Will our settlers work better/faster if they’re happy?
Will they be sad if their Brewmaister dies to a goblin attack?
Will they will be too scared to approach a haunted area until a priest clears it?

If this image holds true morale should be there

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(re: fear in general) as it was roughly described, the basic worker units will have varying levels of fear, based on the individual threats they perceive… so, if a worker has a group of two goblins to her left, and equidistantly to her right there are four goblins, she will be more afraid of her right, and will veer left to avoid them…

it looks like they’ve shed a bit more light on the matter… :smiley:

How Do You Make Facial Expressions?

Can you please give us some examples on how to make facial expressions, like happy and sad faces. I want to see how you do it. That way I can see an example and try my best to recreate it.



: opens a ‘smiley’ menu, just select which one you want

you can also type it like : wink : (without spaces) and you get :wink:

Lol, (I know your joking) I want to see how they put them on the models (characters) in the game.

or, to describe it visually…

from this:

to this:


So cool… finally we will know if cows are in! If not, I am volunteering for creating the cow-mod (maybe including a cow-level where the lovely beasts take revenge on some people we do not want to name now ^^).

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Thanks for the movement study, I might need it ^^

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