I get a message that raiding wolves appear, but they don’t attack me, they just standing still (with no idle animation). I have wood fence with a gate around my village.
It looks like they can’t find a way inside my village.
If i attack them, they don’t counter my attacks, just stand idle (turn to the attacker) and die after some hits (haha, easy targets!)
Steps to reproduce:
- load save game (direct after loading a raiding message should appear)
- see the idling wolves
- Attack them without getting striked back!
- build wood fences with wood gates around your base and the enemy spawning location.
Expected Results:
I expect that the wolves came and attack me somehow. Maybe destroy the wood fence, jumping over it (this sounds like an unfair gamemechanic) or walk around and find a other exit. Idling (with no animation) is the worest possible result.
Actual Results:
They don’t move.
Other wolves in the area around them are in the same “state”.
Attachments: (7.7 MB)
additional: one other raiding wolves spawn next to my village and an other neutral enemy (varanasuss) attack the wolv, without reacting or fighting back.
Version Number and Mods in use:
537 x64 build
no mods
System Information:
windows10 64bit