Will farmers be able to move berry bushes?

Haha I was just trying to do something similar with my bamboo plants without success. Looks like the code’ll have to be adapted a bit to allow harvesting and moving haha. But yeah, it should be a semi easy thing for Radiant to impliment.

The Hearthlings seem to not like it when you give them one source of food though, I quite often early in my game get gripes about always eating beats. So if variety is taking into consideration with satisfaction I do see a use.

To a point. There are 3 types of crops in the game though, plus jerky. Along with the fact of the planned cook class, I think your villagers will be fineeeeee. :smile: If not just download Nihonjin for the added rice crop. (no selfless advertising or anything :wink: )

Not saying that the idea is stupid though, I quite like it. Just explaining counter reasons/ways around it. I have odd ways of having fun when im bored
. :laughing:

The sake of the discussion is very often the source of good ideas :wink: and with the help of a herbalist or later maybe a bio-engineer the use a wild and “tamed” berry bushes could in the discovery of drugs, solvants, chemicals or anything craft related in future branches…

The actual design of the game allows endless additional stages and crafter trees on the behalf of the community. It is then important to let the player do the maximum number of possible actions on any present item in the game to let the ideas nurture and evolve in every possible ways.

But I think I’m going a bit to far and am reaching an out of topic point :stuck_out_tongue: